Chapter 9: Faerie meeting.

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I walked from the town hall to the main road, fully aware that I was being followed. Dagger in hand, ready for them to pounce at me. I knew they would and as soon as I had walked a minute down the main road my prediction came true. From one of the deserted alley ways he leapt in the air, sword in hand ready to strike me dead to get what he came for. He landed in front of me, sword to my throat, looked me right in the eye.

"Give it up girl!" I couldn't help smiling, couldn't help my heart speeding up, this Faerie boy was beautiful beyond my imagination. His skin was pale as snow, his hair was long and was the colour of raven feathers, black with a hint of blue. Every bone so defined and his wings extended were so translucent they looked like swirls of metallic blue magic coming from the very essence of his energy connected to his back. But it was none of those features that make my heart flutter like his long hair in the wind it was his eyes. His eyes were blue, but not human blue, the blue was the colour of solid ice. They froze my eyes to his. Something about him made everything in me fizz.
"Look down. Boy!" He was shocked by my assertiveness, but even so he looked down to see my dagger pushing into his stomach. I would not injure or kill him, I needed him, but he didn't have to know that. He looked up at me and was trying to work out how I could of done that.
"Look Faerie, I have what you want and I want something from you. You think we could make a deal?" He knew he was defeated in his plan to take the Crown from me and lowered his sword from my neck. As the sword lowered I removed the dagger from his stomach but kept in my hand. One thing Garrett had been certain of was that Faeries were not to be trusted. I was ready to take him down to protect everything I needed to achieve. We step away from each other warily. I looked him up and down as he did, he was dressed in silver armour that looked slightly too big for him.

"A deal then." He wasn't sure about me, but he knew he need the Crown.
"Yes. I'll give your kind back the Crown, once we've discussed peace among the world's."
"You're kidding right?"
"No! I most certainly am not kidding." I tried to keep my voice as formal as I could but his sarcasm made it hard to control my temper.
"That's never going to happen. The King isn't going to let you walk into his palace and demand to see him."
"He will if he ever wants to see the Crown or any of his Faeries again!" It was a threat that I wasn't going to go through with, but if I was going to get to the King I would need to be strong.
"You have the Crown?"
"I do and if your kind ever wants to have it back I will need to talk to your King."
"My job is to retrieve the Crown and take it back to the King."
"Then do exactly that. I have the Crown, so take me to the King." I could see him weighing his options.
"What's to stop you killing me or using the Crown?"
"What's to stop you from killing me and taking the Crown for yourself?" At this statement I could see him physically relax. We were equals in this situation.
"And anyway, I'm not going to kill you. I need you to take me to the King to discuss peace to get my people back."
"You just want to protect your people?"
"Yes, wouldn't you want that?"
"Well yes. The reason I am here is to save the people of Feyland."
"From me?"
"Not exactly" He's hiding something, his eyes drop to the ground to avoid eye contact. I want to know what is this big threat within Feyland.
"Tell me. If I am going to be walking into a new world I want to know what dangers there are."
"You want to meet the King and you will. I'm taking you to the Winter Palace to meant the King of Winter." I had almost forgotten about the different Courts, but Garrett had said if I was going to discuss peace it was the King of Light I had to talk too.
"No. I want to speak to the King of Light."
"There is no King of Light. He was killed in the war and now the Court has a Queen."
"Then I want to see her." I couldn't let this Winter Faerie ruin my whole plan and put my mother and my friends in danger.
"You want protection for your people then the Winter King is your only choice." He looked distracted and nervous, he scanned the area around us with his eyes and his ears. I could feel that we weren't alone, was this other Faerie with Rowan?
"Why can't I go to the Light Court?"
"Look, we don't have time to stand here and keep talking, we need to go. Are you coming with me to the Winter Court or not?" I didn't feel like I had much of a choice in this. Rowan's tone was frightened and I knew if something could frighten him I wouldn't stand a chance against whatever it was.
"Yes! I'm coming."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a run. His hold on me was firm, making sure that I couldn't get lost behind. Running through the grey streets at a speed that was surly my imagination reminding me of running through the same streets with my Mother, just a year ago. Rowan pulled me down an alley way and what I saw made me stumble. At the end of the alley way was a wall, but it wasn't a dead end. It looked like a wall of rippling water of a stormy sea and I was running right towards it. I tried pulling myself out of Rowan's grip as fear took hold of me even tighter than him, with the realisation that he was pulling me into that thing. He was stronger than me though and slowly but steadily he was dragging me closer to what looked like my death.
"Sofia!" He shouted at me over the sound of waves crashing. "Sofia, what are you doing?" Was this all a trick, his plan?" Just as his grip began to loosen a dark shadow crossed the entrance to the alley. I stopped struggling as I watched a wolf like creature turn into the alley. The Creature was bigger than any wolf I knew, it was nearly my height on all four paws that made a scraping sound across the floor as its long dagger- like claws dragged along the ground. Its fur was the colour of ash and its eyes the colour of dried blood. Its teeth were perfectly lined up in a scream striking snarl, with drool dripping from the sides of its mouth that made me think for certain that this creature was here to sink those teeth into a fatal skin ripping bite of us. Suddenly drowning in an upright pool of water didn't seem so bad and I ran past Rowan and leaped into the water. I heard a splash as Rowan quickly followed.

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