Chapter One

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Perrie's POV:

I lay in my bed, wondering with a foggy confusion why  my cheek was burning horribly the moment I woke up... I groaned, and slumped my body over and gasped in shock. Keith was lying soundly, sleeping next to me. He never usually did that. He had a room of his own... he hated to sleep next to me. He claimed I was a noisy bugger who is plainly a pain to sleep with. I shook my head in bewilderment. He had slapped me last night, I suddenly remembered, placing a hand to my delicate skin, and now he was resting with me? 

I got up, scared and confused. I threw on a baggy white tee, a pair of panties, and went to my kitchen, to make myself a lousy cereal breakfast. My mind was slow and sleepy, as it always was when I woke up, and I was trying to figure out everything with Keith, and why he'd suddenly decided to warm to unconscious being last night. Maybe he was sorry. My heart skipped at the possibility. What if was finally discovering his flaws? He used to be so kind and sweet: maybe he could be regaining that all back to himself. I smiled softly. That would be a dream-I really did care for him. But sometimes I wondered if I should break up from him when he got so angry and aggressive, like he had last night...

Keith appeared in the doorway, wearing tight sweat pants, scratching his head, yawning. I smiled brightly up at him. He ignored me and began to prepare his own breakfast, his actions slow and lazy. 

I cleared my throat. ''Did you have a nice sleep? Did I disturb you too much?'' I ask him, a certain poison to my voice I did not intend. Keith paused.

''No, actually. You were fine. It was quite pleasant. But obviously, now, I'm hungover,'' he grumbled, barely looking me in the eye as he spoke. I licked my lips, uncertain. Was he really going to change? Or had I just gotten carried away with blissful possibilities...? ''Give us a kiss,''

I snapped my head back at him, and he was smiling weakly at me, his lips pursed in expectation. I hesitated, because he didn't deserve a kiss. I really don't think he did... but it would anger him if I didn't, so out of fear, I leaned over to him, and pecked his lips. His lips were bitter with alcohol, and his breath reeked. I winced, and stood back, smiling softly. There were a few moments of silence, where we both ate on the kitchen island, carefully avoiding eye contact. 

''Hey, Keith, I'll be going in for rehearsals today. What are you planning on doing whilst I'm out?'' I asked politely. Keith shrugged.

''Not much. But hey, be careful, all right? You know I hate all that male attention you get. Just remember-'' he gave me a warning look, ''That I'll punch in-''

''The head and guts of anybody who attempts to hit on me,'' I finished for him, rolling my eyes. Keith glared, but nodded. ''I know. But you know well enough I stay away from creeps. I do have a brain, you know,'' 

Keith bit his lip. See, that used to drive me crazy, used to make me rave for him, but now, I never really felt attracted to him... it made me sad. His gruesome personality and violent ways made me correct myself anytime I thought he looked good, and suddenly, it wouldn't matter anymore. 

''I know you have a brain,'' Keith said slowly, ''But sometimes you seem incapable of using it. You can be such a hoe sometimes, Perrie. I know what you're like. Just... stay away from any suggestive guy possible. Got that?''

''Yes, Keith,'' I mumbled, ''I understand.''

As I walked into the studio the atmosphere seemed to change. All the girls were standing around the computer. Huge smiles adorned their faces and Leigh-Anee was clapping her hands while she jumped up and down on the spot. So clearly something good had happened.

I wondered what it was. The looming weight of the Keith thing was temporarily forgotten as I approached my three best mates. I wondered what could possibly be so exciting. “Hey guys, what’s going on?” I asked, setting my bag on the floor beside the table. Leigh-Anne looked at me and her grin; if possible got even wider to the point where I was concerned that it might literally break her face.

“Perrie! Little Mix has been nominated for two Brit awards! Oh my god! Pezza we could be winning two Brit awards this weekend!” My eyes widened with her words.

Oh my god! This was huge. Two Brit awards? We could and had to be up against some of the biggest stars in Britain. This was insane. I knew we were getting big in the UK but to be nominated for a Brit, much less two, in the amount of time we had been making music was unreal. Who were we up against though? It had t be some pretty tough competition.

“That is insane! Guys! We are nominated for two of one of the most important awards in the UK! We are in categories of some of the biggest music makers…wait, who are we up against?” I asked.

Jesy, who was sat behind the computer, a faint glow reflected onto her tanned skin, read what must have been the list of nominees. “Well, in the category for best new single we are up against Olly Murs, Adele, Jessie J and One Direction.” She said.

“Damn, Adele and One Direction. They’re huge even over in America.” I commented, nerves settling into the pit of my stomach. “What about the other category?”

“Uh, for best album of the year it is the same people.” Jesy replied.

“Wow, this is unreal.” I said. The girls all bobbed their heads in unison. “But there’s more.” Leigh-Anne gushed. What, pray tell, else could there possibly be? We were already nominated for two Brits.

“They want us to perform during the awards.” At that my mouth just full on dropped open. Perform?

Alongside One Direction, who I knew was going to be on stage as well. I couldn’t believe it. Don’t get me wrong, I was ecstatic. This was great for us but this was so huge. This could be what really got our careers going over in America. I let out the girly-est squeal I had ever come out of my mouth. I joined Leigh-Anne in jumping up and down. This was going to be so much fun.

 “Plus, we get to bring dates with us!” Jesy read off the information email. I froze.

Eyes wide with fear. No. That meant I had to bring Keith. I knew there would be fans there and that meant some male attention for the lot of us. That would not go over well with Keith. Frankly, I was scared to know what he would actually do.

Would he start something in front of all these people?


“Perrie, you okay?” Leigh-Anne asked, clearly noticing my sudden lack of excitement.

“Yeah, no I’m good.” I lied.

“Okay. But won’t that be great? You can bring Keith. I’m sure he would love to see what his gal is living.” Jade said with a wink. I forced a smile. ''It'll be so magic to bring Sam along... oh he's such a gentleman. But you and Keith will be so great!''

“Yeah. I know. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.” Yeah, thrilled. He would not be looking forward to it at all. But I knew him. I had been with him long enough to know that he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to show the world that I was his and that nobody was allowed to touch me. Nobody.

That was going to be one long night. And not easy I’m certain. But what could I do? I couldn’t not tell him that we were allowed to bring dates. He would see on the telly that the others brought dates. Then I would really be in trouble. Painful trouble.

I shuddered at the mere thought of what he might do to me if I lied to him. So that was that. I would be going home tonight to inform Keith that he would be making a public appearance with me on Sunday of this weekend.

“Shall we start rehearsals then? Won’t want to be off key for this weekend.” I said aloud. I needed something to take my mind of the anxiety fluttering inside my chest.

“Yes!” Leigh-Anne said, her enthusiasm not having faded even the slightest bit. God I loved her. Even feeling nervous, she could make me smile.  

“Okay, one, two, a one-two-three,” I counted us in and we started to sing an acapella warm up of Wings. 

Co-written with da wonderful @1DAndLarry :D isn't she great at writing? Lol okay so we've both been waiting for somebody to writ a good Zerrie fan fictions, and there appears to be none that satisfies both of us-so we decided to make one together :) Please fan her, she's put in a lot of work to this and really deserves more popularity.  FAN~VOTE~COMMENT ♥♥

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