Groves of Gove

74 30 9

Soapy, specious smarm flannels this odd stink.

To beat a barker* at his practiced wink,
constitutional-principle salesmen,
smirk  Zurich Spaniels, grin Brussels booger-men,
read from quirk bible Gove was given, got,
by cave-angel in his own mental rot.

He scrapes the bottom  of a lawyer's bin
finds straws to cage all soggy reason in,
straw men to stroll among media huts
ignite alarm and strew the ground with smuts.

For interviewers love to prove their worth,
cut through complexities to bring us mirth;
and thus we laugh quite cynically at ghosts
who never were till Michael gave them birth.

Meme them, he would, within the public mind,
thus to bamboozle us, entrain and blind.


*in UK a 'barker' is a market man who pulls a crowd so he can sell his stuff. Apparently barker means a poo in Oz and the word 'spruiker' is used for the crowd-puller. I don't know the US term for it.

UK/EU stuff - sorry, rest of world.

Michael Gove made an assertion today, that The European Court of Justice could simply ignore the recent EU modifications in its treaty with the UK.

Yes, one line doesn't rhyme. It's the ghost!

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