He quickly scrambled to his feet, and ran away whimpering. I huffed and turned around to see Angela looking at me with her mouth wide open and her eyes as big as frying pans. I chuckled slightly at the look on her face, this snapped her out of her paralyzed state, making her glare and huff at me with annoyance. I just smiled, making her roll her eyes, but stills he smiled in return.

She quickly hugged me again. “I missed you so much Bris…” Then she looked up at me “And by the way, your scary as hell when you’re on the job. Now I know why you never took missions, it would be too easy for you!” She laughed, I laughed as well and nodded my head slightly. Then I turned serious. “Angela, what happened?” She sighed slightly and took my hand in hers. “Take me to where you’re living, I’ll tell you there after I showered and cleaned myself up. I’m a mess!” I chuckled slightly and transported us to the pack house.

When she saw the size she gasped and gazed at the castle of a house in awe. I chuckled slightly at her face. “Come on, Angela I have so many people you HAVE to meet!” She snapped out of her trance and nodded at me with a smile. Suddenly the pack house’s door opened with a bang, hitting the wall. I frowned at the poor wall… What has anyone done to it? But it still gets hurt, poor thing…

Then I noticed it was Mason that opened it, and he was storming towards me. He was running so fast, that I guess it startled Angela, since she snarled at him and froze him in mid stride. She hissed at him and turned to me. “Is he anyone important? Because it looked like he wanted to murder something.” I laughed slightly, mentally thanking Crystállum for shielding my laugh and smiles powers.

“Angela, this is my werewolf mate, Mason.” She gaped at me, and quickly let him go. She turned a bright shade of pink, completely embarrassed. I chuckled slightly but before I could say anything, Mason leaped on top of me, hugging me towards his body. Then he starts searching my body and face for any injuries. Finding nothing he breathed a sigh of relief and nuzzled my neck while breathing in my scent to calm him down.

I rubbed his back slightly, feeling him relax under my touch. Then he started babbling… oi…

“Bris! The rouges said they came searching for the witch because the witch new something about you! They said their boss is powerful and wants you! He can’t have you! YOU’RE MINE!!” His possessiveness was a real turn on I must say… “Mase, I’m ok, see? Look at me, I’m fine.” He quickly kissed me, trying to reassure his wolf. He kissed him back passionately. The sparks were dulling everything around us, but I broke out of my trance when I heard someone clear their throat awkwardly.

I quickly broke the kiss making Mason growl in annoyance, but he still stood up, helping me with him. I looked and Angela and noticed she was shuffling from one foot to the other awkwardly. I cleared my throat and took Mason’s hand, leading him towards her. “Angela, this is my mate Mason, Mason this is a friend of mine, that I made when I was training myself, her name is Angela.” They gave each other awkward smiles.

Then Nay skipped out of the house while humming a stupid song, something about Heidi? Whatever… She is weird, but that’s why I love her! I Quickly gave my sister from another mister a hug and led her towards Angela as well. “Nay this is another friend of mine, I befriended her at the assassin organization, Her name is Angela, Angela this is my best friend, aka Sister from another mister, Cuttenay, but I call her Nay.” They squealed suddenly causing me to gasp and put my hands over my ears.

They suddenly jumped at each other and hugged each other, making me confused “I’ve always wanted to meet you! I’ve heard so much about you!” They said at exactly the same time, creeping me out slightly. “No I’ve always wanted to meet you!” They said again, at the same time… “Stop that!” ok… this is getting annoying… So I decided to interrupt them. “OK! NOW THAT YOU BROKE MY EAR DRUMS I SHALL BREAK YOURS AS WELL BY SCREAMING JUST LIKE YOU SCREAMED! DEAL!?” They blushed, slightly embarrassed, while mumbling ‘sorry’… AT THE SAME TIME! This is so damn creepy…

“Ok, well, Angela, I will take you to the guest bedroom, then you can freshen up and tell me what happened ok?” She nodded and started following me towards the pack house, before quickly waving goodbye to Nay and Mason. I quickly started leading her to the room across from Londars. When we just passed his room, he opened his door, groaning slightly with bed hair. I laughed and hugged him hello. I turned towards Angela and smiled seeing her confused look. “Angela, this is my twin, Londar. Londar this is my friend Angela.” He smiled slightly at her in greeting and she returned the smile. I quickly told Londar to wait for me, since we had to talk… like seriously talk… Then I took Angela to her room. I left telling her I’d be back in 30 minutes with clothes for her.

I walked back towards Londars room and saw him making up the bed. I crept into the room and just when I wanted to surprise him, he turned around and said “You know if you want to surprise someone you should remember to mask your scent.” I huffed in annoyance and slammed my hand to my forehead, I can’t believe I forgot to mask my scent… oops…

“Agh whatever, but what I would like to know, brother of mine, is why I’m a lost sister and at another world?” He sighed and sat down on his bed, patting the seat next to him showing me to sit next to him. I did as he asked and sat down, waiting for the story.

He got a slight faraway look in his eyes and started the story.

“Long ago, on a day full of rain and grey clouds, when we were born, the Draconem’s and their Rider’s attacked the royal family, our family… Mom just gave birth to us, so she was too weak to protect us. Dad and the guards weren’t expecting the attack so they weren’t prepared. The fought with all their might, but couldn’t win. Dad limped towards mom and his chambers. He quickly grabbed us and mother and jumped out of the window onto his dragon. He called the rest of the guards to retreat, as well as call all the dragons in the stables and the eggs. He put mother on her dragon, making the dragon happy to protect his rider in her weak state. Dad gave you to one of his guards and held me himself. On their escape, the Draconem’s found them, and they started to battle once more. One Draconem attacked the guard that was holding you, and killed the guards dragon, making the guard scream in pain from losing his bond with his precious dragon… He fell, with you in his hands. That was the last, Dad or Mom ever saw of him or you. They thought you two were dead, because of the long drop… But Since you are sitting here next to me, I guess you both fell in the portal pond, making you come to this world… Mom and Dad survived and built a new palace, raising me as a prince, but the damn Draconem’s were still there, planning, planning their revenge, planning to take the kingdom…”

I just stared at him, letting the information sink in. I was a princess, I was a lost princess, a guard saved me… I wonder if it was my dead dad, who was the guard… No, it can’t be him, he was human, and I couldn’t smell him as a supernatural… Then, who is the guard? Why did he leave with strangers? Wasn’t he supposed to protect me? His princess?









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