Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

(Sapphire's POV)

It has been 2 weeks since Danni and Zak's fight and life is great. Jace and I have gone on our first date where he asked me to be his girlfriend.


We were on our first date and Jace had set up a picnic in the local park. We were laying down on the big red blanket, my head was on his chest as we look up at the stars. "Hey Sapphire, I um want to ask you something." Jace said and I could tell he was a little nervous. "What is it?" I ask him while turning over so I was still laying on his chest but facing him. "Well um...will you be my girlfriend?" Jace asked and looked at me with a smile on his face. "Of course I will be your girlfriend." I told him with a smile on my lips and then he kissed me it was slow and gentle but full of passion and the usual eletrictity flowed through me.

*End of Flashback*

Today is the packs training and Jace and Cole, Sam's mate, are coming to watch us. I hope into the shower and when I get out I put on a pair of black basketball shorts with white stripes going down the side, my black and white addidas, and a black tank top. I put my hair in a high ponytail and pin my bangs up ontop of my head.

(Jace's POV)

I step out of the bathroom wearing black basketball shorts, a green shirt, and black addids. I am excited about seeing my mate today. I walk down the stairs and up to the front door to see Cole waiting there. We get into my car and drive to Sapphire's house. God I can't wait to see her. I am falling for her and i might even be in love with her. All I know is I am falling hard and fast but I love it.

(Unknown's POV)

"Master I have news on her." One of my minions said. "WELL TELL ME DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" I yell at my minion impacently. "Well she still doesn't know of her powers yet..." My minion said quietly while shaking in fear. "GOD HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE!" I yell but then I remember something. "What about the other one?" I ask with demand and force. "Well she has a tiny bit of power that was passed down to her." My minion said quietly and weakly looking scared. Well after all these years it will finally happen but now all I need is them to get their full powers.

(Sapphire's POV)

I pushed Chase onto the ground and put my foot on his chest. I had one another round of sparing. "Sapphire, get off meee!" Chase wined, he was still annoyed that I had beat him three times. I have been training hard because in a few days I have a street fighting match and I'm so excited! The whole pack was dead tired and exashted from the 2 hour training. "Sapphire can we go to Starbucks, please?!?" Ruby begged me as I look at my tired pack. "Sure but you have to go tell the whole pack because I'm going to take a shower, ok?" I tell her and she nods and runs of happily to tell the others. "Is that an invite?" I feel Jace's hot breath on my neck and his strong arms wrap around my waist for behind. I turn around so I am facing him and kiss his jaw. "No," I tell him and walk of to take a shower just leaving him there.