Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:


"Take that alarm clock!" I shout at my now smashed alarm clock. Then I relized something. " Why is there a new alarm clock? I thought I smashed mine yesterday." I thought to myself out loud. My thoughts were interupted by my 14 year old sister. " Come on Sapphire! We are going to be late for the first day of school!" Yup it's my first day of school. I'm 15 and I'm turning 16 in a month and a half. I have jet black hair with blue streaks in it, sapphire blue eyes, and not tan but not pale white skin. I went to do my morning routine then changed into ripped black skinny jeans, and a black shirt with the word 'EPIC' in big, bold purple letters. I put on my purple converse high tops, my sapphire earings in my first piercing, smaller diamond earrings in my second, and even smaller star shaped sapphire earrings in my third. Yah I have three piercings in both sides. I know what your thinking and I'm sorta emo/goth. Yah I also have my nose and eyebrow pierced. Well if you haven't guessed I'm a badass. The most awesome, epic badass around.

I walked down stairs to see my sister, Sam( short for Samantha), eating breakfast. Sam also has jet black hair but with pink streaks. Her blue eyes are softer and lighter than mine. She just turned 14 and is going to be a freshman in high school. We are going to a high school filled with humans. Yah I know what your thinking, why did you say full of humans, and aren't you human? My sister and I are werewolfs, normaly werewolfs shift when they turn 13. So Sam shifter last year. Me being the weird person I am, shifterd at the age of 8.

I grabbed a ganola bar and got my backpack. "Sam it's time to go." I shouted to Sam who just groaned but followed. She isn't really as badass as I am. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a pink shirt that says 'BADASS' in big, bold black lettering. She has on a pair of neon pink high tops and pink earings in her first piercing, and black earrings in her second. She also has her nose pierced and her bellybutton just like me. I have a sapphire one and she has a pink one. We hop on our motercycles and ride to school. Mine has a blue, green, and purple design with a not to slim, cresent moon. Sam's has a pink and black design with paw print. The design matches our tattoes, mine is on just below my right sholder and is the a little smaller than my fist. Sam's tattoe is just below her left shoulder and the same size as mine. The tattoe showed up when I was 10 and Sam's when she was 13. It is extremely rare for werewolfs to get tattoes that just show up. If you do it means that you are special. We don't understand how we are special but legand says that when werewolfs get tattoes that just show up, it means they are special and will figure out how when the time comes.

When we arrive at school we are late, just how I like it. Everyone else is in front of the school which is near the car park. We stop in parking spots next to each other. We still have our helmets on but glance at each other when we hear people gasping.