Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

(Jace's POV)

I felt lazy today so I decieded not to go to school. I am the alpha's son and next in line to be the alpha. I know right, lucky me. NOT! I'm a total badass and according to my father I'm 'not alpha material' but since I'm his only son I'm next in line. I have jet black hair with green and blonde streaks. I have an eyebrow piercing and a to cool to care atittude. I am 16 and have a 14 year old sister. Her name is Monica but she likes to be called Mo. She is also a badass with blonde hair with half purple tips and half pink tips even on her bangs that are just below her eyebrows. She also has her eyebrow pierced along with her nose and bellybotton. We both has green eyes.

It is the end of the school day and the teenagers of the pack should be home about now. I hear cars park and my sister shout. " Jace get your butt down her right now!" She is sure is a loud one. I walk down stairs and see her sitting on the couch. I get an apple and plop down next to her. " What do you want Mo?" I ask in a bored, tired, and slithly annoyed voice. " There were new kids today but I'm not sure they are the new pack that is coming here tonight, they smelled human." She said full of excitement. She can practicly stay still. " Where do you buy your energy from a game store." She rolls her eyes " Haha very funny but I'm just excited the new pack might have are mate with them." We both are mateless and she wants one. "Well that's nice, now bye." I say and walk up stairs. I act like I don't want one but deep down I really do. I want some one to proctect, care for, and love. I really do and maybe if I'm lucky I will find mine tonight. Maybe.

(Sapphire's POV)

It is now 7th period and I'm the only one out of the pack that has free period. I'm on my way to my motercycle. I smell werewolf around but only one, maybe they are a loner wolf. I turn around to see a girl about my age with glasses, medium- light brown hair, and big brown eyes sitting on the steps and reading a book. I walk up to her.

Hi I'm Sapphire Star and I just moved her from New York." I put my hand out to for her to shake but she seems scared. Scared? A werewolve scared? Since when especially since I still smell like a human. " Why do you look scared? I'm not going to hurt you?" I questioned her. She then spoke. " You aren't?" I looked at her confused " Why would I?" "Well...I'm kinda the nerd here and everyone here makes fun of me and beats me up." She said in a soft voice that if I wasn't a werewolf I wouldn't be able to hear her. I look at her and burst out laughing. She looks at me like I'm crazy. When I stop laughing I look at her and start to talk to her. " That's crazy, you're a werewolf why do you just let them push you around. Plus you don't look like you are really a nerd nerd. If you get what I'm saying. She truely didn't look like a total nerd she had that badass flare. She stared at my wide eyed. Then I changed my scent back to werewolf and when she smelled my scent and you could see her visabley relax. " Gosh you almost gave me a heart attack when I thought you were human by the way I'm Ruby Lithson." She stuck out her hand and I shook it. " Pack? loner? roughe?" She answered by telling me the she is a loner wolf. She says her parents aren't wolves but she is and was given the gene because she is also phycick. She is a nerd to keep a low profile but is still a book worm even though she is really a total badass. Her parents sent her here to learn and she has to pay for everything and can barely afford rent. I told her about my self and that I am in a pack but not what kind of pack. " Ruby, I am the alpha of the Blue Star Moon pack. We are a pack of loner wolves. We move around alot to find new loner wolves to join us. There are ceraintly 7 of us and I would be so happy if you would join us." She squealed and hugged me. " Oh my god thank you, thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me. Even though we just met I have a feeling you will be the big sister I never had." It's true she turns 16 in 3 monthes and I turn 16 in 1 and a half. " Did you walk to school?" I asked already knowing the answer since she can barely afford rent. She just nods. "Come on you can ride on my motorcycle." "Awesome I have always wanted a bike. Wait where are we going?" She askes as she gets on her bike. I hand her my helmet. " To your apartment and get your things. Did you really think I'm going to let a pack member live on their own? Especially when they can barely afford rent?" She just squeals and hugges me for like the hundreth time and thanks me.

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