"Ravi your society just got a new hashtag in the department of beautiful specimens of masculinity and you are so unaffected! Shame on you !He is so drool worthy or so I've heard. How-"

" Wait did you just say my society?" I asked with something akin to shock. My society doesn't exactly have ugly louts in the teenage sector of the population but it's safe to say that we hardly have any good looking guys either. At least I couldn't find any. So it was quite a surprise to her that my society would be housing a gorgeous guy.

"Yes Ravi I said society . Like S-O-C-I-E-T-Y. The word that refers to our current surroundings and the imbeciles that live in it. Like society with a capital S-"

"Okay okay I got it. Who is this guy?"

"How can you not notice new people in your society? But anyways hang on while I stalk him...okie dokie found him. So he's moved from Bangalore to here and he likes cricket. At least I think he does. It's sorta hard to tell though. Maybe he's just a cricket fan.Oh Gods I hope he's a cricketer. They have amazing bodies, all tanned and sinewy. He is such a sweet *baccha no. Only his ex girlfriend is vuglar. She has leech breasts."

I was just on the verge of falling asleep when her statement jolted me awake. "What?"

"You know leech breasts. They just clung to the dude like they were inseparable". The visual imagery created by this provocative statement made me grin.

I interrupted her before she could continue " How did you find out that a certain good looking guy has moved into my society?" I questioned. "You haven't been over for ages".

"Okay so the other day I went to get my underarms waxed because it had been a couple of months and it was getting hard to manage them.Plus I couldn't wear long T-shirts forever because hello? Summer is meant for crop tops and vests. Also I had like black,mini tangled beards underneath my arms and I decided it would be nice to get rid of it. Hey do you know that mom told me that you can have lice in your underarm hair unless you take care? Ooohhh...that rhymed Ravi!"

"Good job Sara, have you ever contemplated writing poetry? "  I said and mentally gagged as I imagined an Amazon of curly hair residing under my friend's underarm. I know that best friends are supposed to be close and stuff but I draw a line when it comes to body issues.  Steeling my nerves for another such vicious assault on my poor virgin mind I prompted her.

"Go on Sara".

"Oh right....I forgot the main topic!" She said and giggled. "But yeah anyways I'd gone to the parlour and I ran into Dee over there, you know Dee right?"

"Dee? As in Dee the fox? What was she doing there? Getting her butt waxed by the janitor?" I asked. You could say that Deeya (or Dee as people commonly called her)and I were not the best of friends. We really didn't like each other.She was a cunning little fox faced girl and I steered clear of her whenever I could.

"So we were just chatting and stuff and I casually asked her if there was anybody new in the society. Just for general knowledge you know. And she told me about this smoking hot dude, who's recently moved in her- sorry your apartment."

I snorted. Sara was neither casual nor interested in general knowledge.

She continued" And so I went and Googled him!" Sara exclaimed triumphantly like she'd discovered a long lost relic of the Egyptian civilisation instead of some guy she thought was cute.

"Do you think you could get us introduced Ravi?" She begged.

"I don't think its likely Sara... There are hardly any chances of me knowing him".

For a few seconds there was just static silence on the phone and I freaked out because I thought Sara had gone and killed herself or something because she could never meet the guy of her dreams. I felt bad for her. She was just an innocent girl looking for love. "Sara?"


"You okay?"

"Of course I am! I'm just Googling ways to accidentally bump into a guy!" I face palmed myself. So much for her being an innocent girl.

"Okay babe I've gotta hang up now. I just found this Youtube video which helps you to modulate your voice to make a guy fall for you the minute you speak. Bye!"

Before I could say bye she'd disconnected the phone.I Looked at my phone stupidly for a minute before sighing and placing it on my bedside table.

Plumping my pillows up and cranking up the air conditioner I willed my body to relax into the stupor that it was engaged in only a while ago.

Yet as I drifted off to sleep my answer to Sara kept drifting through my mind.

I possibly couldn't know him could I ?


*Baccha- child, kid

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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