|| foreward.

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Before I start, I'd like to tell you to forget everything you know about Allison and Stiles. Well, not everything, but what I'm meaning is that their history will be different. You'll see after this chapter, but keep an open mind. I wanted to do this so I could explore more aspects for each of them, so I hope you enjoy!


3 years ago

"I hate parties," Allison groans as she stares at the booming house in front of her, feeling her stomach knot. It wasn't that she really hated parties, but it was more-so of the fact that every time she's been to one, the night always ends with some boy, who took things a little too far, on the floor from her defending herself. After all, hunters know how to beat someone up if they needed to.

Kara, one of Allison's high school buddies, rolls her eyes at her friend. "I swear Allison, you're such a mood killer."

"It's what I do best," Allison groans in reply, already getting a feeling that this party was going to be the same as all of the others. "How'd you even find this party anyways? It's not like we're close to home."

Kara smirks ever so slightly. "What can I say? I've got a few friends here in Beacon Hills."

"Easy for you to say," Allison sighs, thinking about her lack of friends she's had lately. She had Kara, and to her, that was all she needed. "I don't know anyone here."

Kara tugs at Allison's arm as she leads her up the stone pathway. "Well, come on then. I'll introduce you to a few."

Allison's feet skid across the bumpy stones in the ground as Kara drags her through the doorway; the sound amplifying as soon as she stepped inside. There were hundreds of teenagers here in the house; she only knew that because of the multiple bodies that danced all around her. There was barely any elbow room for Kara and her.

"These guys sure know how to party," Allison scoffs before Kara was pulling her through the thick crowd, not daring to let her friend go. If she did, she was sure she'd lose her in the large mass.

As Kara pulled her friend along, Allison couldn't help but look at her surroundings. The people around her somehow made her feel apart of the crowd; not like all of the other parties she's been to. Most of them were already drunk, and it wasn't even 9 o'clock yet. She could see a beer pong game going on in one of the corners and a couple of other bodies that were grinding on one another, but what fascinated her the most was the massive pool in the back that had multiple teenagers jumping in and singing at the top of their lungs.

It wasn't until someone bumped into Allison that caused Kara to release her grip, leaving her friend behind in the large group. She tried to turn back to find out where she went, but she could hardly see a foot away from her face, let alone through a huge crowd of people. Allison however had stopped in her tracks to turn to see who bumped into her, causing her to raise her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry," the boy speaks out, shaking his head. "I was just trying to get through to find my friend..."

As he continued to ramble on about some excuse, Allison couldn't help but take in every single one of his facial features. Things like the little brown moles that covered his face like stars, the way his jaw clenched when he spoke, and even the way his nose twitched slightly every now and again. She's never been the one to have a crush, but after laying her eyes on him...she couldn't help it.

"It's really okay," Allison cuts him off finally, putting the boy out of his misery. "I'm Allison, by the way."

The boy smiles then, showing his teeth. "Um, I'm Stiles. You're not from around here, are you?"

"It's that obvious?" Allison chuckles to herself.

Stiles' face turns red, but Allison just assumed it was from the heat that continued to escalade in the small room. "Well, I think I would have remembered you for sure-not like in a creepy way; I mean, I go to a small school-"

"I'm from Quincy," Allison laughs at Stiles' words. "You go to Beacon Hills High, then?"

Stiles nods his head. "Yeah, not really the best school around."

"You guys have a good lacrosse team I've heard," Allison smiles, remembering Kara talk about it one night when she had stayed over. "Do you play?"

Stiles awkwardly brings his hand up behind his neck, rubbing it softly. "Yeah, but I mean...I'm not good-"

"I doubt that," Allison laughs, making Stiles' cheeks flush. He loved her laugh.

Stiles brings his hand back down. "I'm not kidding; you should come and watch sometime."

Allison bites her lips ever so slyly, noting the little invitation. "Sounds like a plan."

Suddenly, Kara pushes past a few people before finally finding her friend, who was giggling and staring at the boy like some type of fan girl. She rolls her eyes slightly at this, only because every time she's tried to set Allison up with some hot guy, it never went well. And now she was all googly eyed over some random guy at a party? It made her a little aggravated.

"There you are," Kara sighs as Stiles looks at her, not sure who the random girl was. "Come on, I found some of them over at the pool."

Allison's eyes flick back and forth between Kara and Stiles, not really sure if she wanted to go with her friend or stay and talk to Stiles. However, she doesn't get much of choice before Kara is tugging her away again, separating the huntress and the boy who was best friends with a werewolf.

This was the first time Stiles and Allison met; but it certainly wouldn't be their last. They wouldn't meet again until 3 years later...the day they found out they were roommates at college.


So...how was that? I hope you enjoyed the first chapter; I think I'm going to have a lot of fun writing about these two. I've been such Stallison trash for so long and writing about it is going to be like a kid in a candy shop; me being the kid, of course.

Dedicated to my smol bean boywonders because like I said before, I don't dedicate enough stuff to you. Just remember that you're a little hoe and that we're little hoes together; plus we're both weird af as if you can't already tell. Oh, and you need to get a snapchat because I'm going to keep bothering you until you get one, mmk?

Vote and comment if you're as much of a Stallison shipper as me (:

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