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Dedicated to RapMonster_Amber

~Minho POV~

I lay there in the middle of the desert lands of the scorch. My friends lay by me. Or what was left of them anyway. My thoughts drifted off to my many lost friends. No. I can't do that, I have to think of the present, the future. Think about the past and I will fall down that corridor I mustn't go down. The one that newt went down.

I forced a smile and looked at my friends. They were all peacefully asleep, oblivious to the upcoming storm. Thomas twitched in his sleep, probably dreaming about Teresa, where ever she was I hoped she was okay. Newt lay beside him, the usual frown visible even in his sleep. Frypan snored gently and Winston...poor Winston, he'd been through so much and now all that was left of his face were blotches and burns and a few singed strands of hair.

I heard movement beside me and I looked down to see Amber storing in her sleep, her sheet wrapped tightly around her to keep out the majority of wind of the storm. I smiled a genuine smile as I thought of our journey across the scorch today. I had been sharing a sheet with her as supplies were limited. She walked up at the front with me and kept making these annoyingly sassy comments. Someone was giving me competition. I frowned a little as she sat up and looked up at the sky. Huge water droplets were beginning to fall. In the distance, the first of volt of lighting streaked down from the dull sky. A boom could be heard from the distance; black shapes were flying through the air where the lightning had struck.

We needed to get going.

"EVERYBODY UP." I yelled, standing up quickly myself and wiping the grains of sand away from the corners of my eyes. "Storms here. We need to move. Let's go let's go let's go."

I grabbed my sheet bag and slung it over my shoulder and stood waiting for everyone to grab their supplies and sleepily stand up.

"Where are we going?"

"The city we saw earlier Thomas. We need to get under cover before someone gets hit." I took off towards the dim outlines of the unknown city. The gladers kept up pretty well. Only a three runners were left now: Thomas, jack and I.

The city was getting closer and closer. We would make it in five minutes running at this pace. But that was when disaster struck. Literally.

Out of nowhere lightning stuck. The loose sand on the ground was flying everywhere, rocks were broken off. The explosion filled my left ear but the ear to the right everything was filled with an eerie silent.

Shuck. Jack, my main runner back at the glade, was on the ground, naked, clutching his knee in complete agony. His clothes had disintegrated to dust due to the heat of the fire. His skin was red raw with the burns and the fizzle of electricity was heard from the few tufts of hair left intact.

But that wasnt the worst. The bottom of his left leg had been taken off by the force of the lightning strike. The earth around was stained crimson from his blood that is absorbing straight into the soil as it bled out of his leg.

There was nothing we could do.

"I'm so, so sorry." I mumbled to Jack before running on, gladers falling left, right and centre around me.


We reached the city, twelve of us did anyway. Thomas and Newt lay together in the corner, whispering quietly to themselves. I sat quietly next to Amber, not wanting to speak. Not wanting to move. I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't expect all my friends to do like this. In this world, full of pain and blood loss. Why couldn't we just be ordinary immune kids. Living a normal life, going to school. A life without constantly running. Constantly running day after day from the same people. For the same goal.

"Stay where you are, hands in the air or we shoot." A voice came from above, shouting down at us. I slowly put my hands up in the air and looked towards the ceiling where a gaping hole was. Four human in gas masks and funny green suits were stood on the edge of the gap, pointing four guns at us in turn. I looked around me, everyone was doing the same thing as me. Except one person.

"Amber do what they say" I hissed quietly, not wanting to draw attention to us. But she ignored me. With a look of confidence on her face she stood up. It was the last thing she ever did. She dropped to the floor like a stone, blood oozing out of the bullet wound.

"No." I whispered, keeping my hands in the air as I crawled towards her still body.

That was cheerful :/. Thanks to RapMonster_Amber for the idea.

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