Tell girl on the moon

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*I drew the sketch in the multimedia*

Alone she sat,
Thinking back,
To the girl on the moon.

It's actually quite funny,
How the girl, so lonely....
Could find a friend like Vine!

She was pale, with blue eyes,
And taken by suprise,
When little Melanie started to cry!

She said "I have to go away.
But promise you'll come play...
Again with me someday."

Vine, was a little scared.
Cause Little Melanie wouldn't be there...
So as she sat and stared,
The pain, hard to bare.

She sat on the moon,
Watching an anbulance, it'd be there soon!

She thought of little Melanie, and the words that she had said.
"What's cancer?" She asked the moon.
"It's a monster..." the moon replyed, kinda gloom.
"Why did it take Melanie?" She asked the moon, knowing she'll regret it soon.

The moon was silent,
Causing her to be consumed,
with yet again, the pain, of her once beloved friend...

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