Shooting Isa a smile, I tell her with that move alone how much it meant for me to hear her say that. She rolls her eyes and grabs my arm again, the intense moment gone.

“Come on. We have a wedding to crash!” I laugh as we rush down the aisle, people shooting us weird looks. But I didn’t care. One of my best friends was getting married and no matter how much I hated this place, I know deep down I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.

 “Well if it isn’t my future wife.”

I look up at the voice and see Mason looking right at me, a bright smile lighting up his face. Rolling my eyes, I break from Isa’s embrace and watch as everyone around Mason turns to look at me. A girl with short black hair shoots me a look of pure death and I realize this be Mason’s new girl of the week.

 Breaking into a smile, I break the circle around him and punch his arm lightly. “See that you still haven’t grown up.”

He gives me a full on wink before pulling me into a tight hug. Maybe in another life, another story, Mason and I would be an ideal match. Two people both trying to live different lives from what everyone expects around them.

 But in this world, Mason and I would never work out. We are too much alike and we already got on each others nerves as it is. Plus, I had Seth waiting back for me in Miami. Pulling away, Mason winces and drops his voice.

“I don’t think my dates going to like that.” I peek at the black haired girl and when I see her staring holes into the back of Masons head, I laugh.

 “I say run while you have a chance.” I murmur and he sighs, running his hands through his blonde hair. “And let the show begin.” Shaking my head, I watch him walk to his date when he stops and shoots me another wink over his shoulder. He just didn’t know when to stop.

 “Save me a dance beautiful “

I nod and watch as he goes back to his date, already apologizing for his endless mistakes. I fall back and find Isa sitting in the third row, her eyes bright with humor. Sitting next to her I sigh. “Okay, lets get on with it.”

 “Who is that and why did he call you beautiful?”  

 “Let’s just say it is no one Seth has to worry about.”

 “He’s cute.” She shrugs and I glance at Mason in time too see him grab his dates hand and kiss it. She blushes and when he laughs loudly, a hand on his other side comes out and smacks him lightly on the head.

Thank god Mrs. Hastings was always there to remind him how small his ego really was.

 “He is,” I admit when I see the doors next to the stage open. “But he’s-”

 “Not Seth,” Isa cuts in, finishing my sentence. When I shoot her a look she smiles shyly. “What?”


 I look back at the stage and see Aiden and his best man finally enter. My breath leaves me. Never in my life have I have seen someone look so happy, so excited that it hurts to breath. With his suite pressed and his hair slicked back, Aiden looked about as ready as any other man on his wedding day.

 His best man leans in and whispers something in his ears the same time the Preacher steps into place. Aiden shoots the tattooed guy a look over his shoulder and when he shrugs and looks at toward the crowd, I almost burst into laughter.

My Guilty PleasureWhere stories live. Discover now