Chapter 8

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            Kellin smirked over me, sweating and biting his lip. Panting he leaned down and whispered in my ear. “You love getting creamed in the ass, don’t you?” he laughed. I started to gain feeling in my feet again, but I kept that to myself. If he knew I was starting to move again, he’d just give me a shot like the last two times. I have no idea how long it’s been since he dragged me away from backstage. Maybe, 6 hours? It was a guess. I was so uncomfortable. He had numbed me from the waist down and tied my arms back so I couldn’t do shit about it. Kellin has pretty much just been experimenting. So many different positions, toys, role play. Though some of the ideas weren’t half bad, I hated Kellin for what he’s doing. I tried distracting myself with thoughts of the band or Jaime, but that didn’t hide the fact I was constantly getting slammed in the ass.

            He finally got up and examined my naked body. I felt so exposed and used. I couldn’t hold back the tears streaming from my face, mostly because I was so numb.

            “I’ll be back,” he didn’t look at me as he put his pants back on and headed for the door. “Don’t move,” he laughed as he shut it behind him. Twisted fuck. Now is my chance. I saw my phone thrown across the room on the floor. I just have to send a message to the band. I could bend my knees the slightest bit. Luckily Kellin didn’t come back for a few minutes, because that’s how long it took for me to crawl and wiggle myself across the hard wood floor he had pinned me against. Though I couldn’t move my legs well, I could still feel my ass and holy shit, it hurt. I’m an emotional mess. Luckily, the tears that dripped off my chin made it easier to get across the floor. Finally, I got to the phone. I grabbed it with the hands tied behind my back. As I got closer to being saved, the worse my anxiety was acting up. The shaking made it hard to call but I managed to dial Jaime’s number. Right when it began to ring, the door swung open, and of course, there stood Kellin. I stayed still. Maybe he won’t notice the phone.

            “I forgot my-…how’d you get over there? Does someone need another shot?” he chuckled to himself as he grabbed some keys off of a dressing room table. “I’ll be back again,” he called out, still laughing. Prick.

            I lightly tossed the phone onto the floor and laid my head on it. Jaime had been yelling and panicking.

            “Vic, how dare you blow me off! If you didn’t wanna go out, why didn’t you tell me?? Where are you?! I-“

            “Jaime,” I could only whisper. “Go to Kellin’s dressing room. Please, I need you. Now,” I mumbled sternly before hanging up. I flicked the phone under my shirt and inched a few feet towards where I was pinned before. Okay, help is coming. Now I just wait. Jaime’s mad at me though. Tears ran down my face. Why me? Why is Kellin doing this?

            And with that thought, someone came in. I was hoping it was Jaime, but no. Kellin slipped his tight pants off, watching me. I stared at the ceiling, feeling his eyes wander all over my body. I was startled as the boy pushed himself into me, his member hard again.

            “Who’s gonna save you now, Viccy?” he smirked as he started slamming into me hard again. Tears continued flowing and sobs kept escaping. He just grinned devilishly. What a sick fuck.

            I was starting to think my knight wouldn’t come until I could see in the corner of my eye the door slowly open, making no noise. Kellin’s moans and groans hid the few first footsteps he made. There was Jaime, disgust plastered on his face. I didn’t think this through. What if he thinks I’m gross now? What if he doesn’t want me anymore? Who would want a dirty, used boy like me?

            The sobs came faster as I thought harder. Jaime stomped over and Kellin turned his head. Kellin took himself out of me and stood up to face him.

            “Hey, pretty boy,” Kellin began. Jaime, without hesitation, grabbed Kellin by the throat and slammed him against the wall, choking him.

            “I swear to fucking god,” Jaime screamed, livid. He was even scaring me. “If you touch Vic without his permission again, I will kill you. Do we have an agreement?” Kellin gagged as he was slowly being lifted off of the ground. He slightly nodded, though his face was also filled with rage. The red on his face resembled the shade of Jaime’s, but probably because of the lack of air.

            Jaime dropped the boy. He stammered to his feet, grabbed his clothes, and ran out of the door. Jaime looked after him, making sure he left. I watched as his face went from rage to sympathy. He rushed to my side, kneeling down. Tears now ran down his cheeks.

            “V-Vic, holy shit, I’m so fucking s-sorry,” he stuttered. He looked around, looking for something. He seemed to find it, when he grabbed my clothes and covered me up. Oh shit. Jaime is seeing me naked. I didn’t want him to first see me like this. If even at all. I felt myself blush dark as I started to feel light headed, either from all of the constant drugs, or the fact Jaime has to see me like this.

            “Come o-on, we’re going to the hospital,” I cringed at the panic in his voice. I groaned as he slung me over his shoulder. Everything went black after that.


            “I gotta get outta here,” I could hear Jaime sighing. “He could wake up any second.”

            “Why? I’m sure Vic needs you the most right now, Hime,” Tony retorted.

            “Apparently not,” he mumbled under his breathe and with that, I heard the door shut. I finally found the strength to open my eyes. There was Tony and Mike sitting beside what looked like a hospital bed I was laying in. I looked around to find Jaime, but saw nothing.

            “Where’s Jaime?” I managed to spit out. My throat felt half-closed from Kellin’s strangling. I could practically still feel his hand still there. The flash back ran vividly through my mind. I shook it off.

            “He left for some reason,” Mikey answered, checking his phone. “How are you feeling?”


            “Remember what happened?” Tony asked gently.

            “Yeah.” Sadly. I feel like a used napkin. Like someone’s bitch. How could Kellin do this to me? I would have never dated him if I knew he’d be this jealous of an ex. At least I have Jaime to help me cope. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Thank god, because I got much less. For the next few weeks, Jaime’s been almost ignoring me. Even when I was released from the hospital and everyone was greeting me and welcoming me back to the bus, Jaime just stood in the corner starring at his phone. He must not care. I could have sworn he did. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. What if he didn’t want me because he saw me naked? Or worse…what if he thought I was disgusting and used up now? Tainted? I hate myself for what happened. I know it wasn’t my fault. But I could have prevented it I suppose. I ignored him back, assuming he needed space. But I could feel myself getting ready to crack.

I laid in my bunk going through my twitter feed. The rest of the band was off catering. I told them I wasn’t feeling good so I could get away from Jaime. Twitter always made me feel better because the fans always wrote to us. I felt the bus shake a bit. Someone had entered. I looked out my bunk to see who it was. Jaime.

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