Dis Da 1st Chappie

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#How does the first chapter begin you ask? "BEEP BEEP BEEP"- said the effin alarm clock

#The protagonist has a cheesy name. "Oh hai, I'm Lily"

#The protagonist hates her name

#The protagonist just has to have the most flawless name no matter what "Mah name is Lily Anne Rose Buttercup Seashell Rainbow"

#The protagonist hates her long name so she just explains how they should call her instead

"Hai!! I'm Liliannaratunahakunamatata, but call me Lily for short"

Sure. Whatever you say, Lily

#She doesn't like One Direction, but falls in love with Niall after two minutes of knowing each other.

#When she meets the boys, she calls Harry "curly".

#Chapter 1: they meet, Chapter 2: They have sex. Hey i just met u an dis is crazy but here's my body so fuk it maybe?

#She just has to describe how Harry is eating her out. And the author is like 12 years old. Seriously?

#She takes two minutes to do her makeup. Can somebody explain me how?

#She tells Eleanor to bring some pregnancy tests because she hadn't had her period for two whole days. Errmahgawd gurls, bring the popcorn cuz dis about to get hawt...NO

#Eleanor is her bff, not Danielle nor Perrie, ELEANOR

#The author never mentions Little Mix and still mentions Perrie as Zayn's girlfriend. As dry as that.

#She just chilled all maximum and relaxed all cool at Harry's flat while watching Chick Flicks. Really, Haz?

# *read in the tune of "She's Not Afraid"* :

She's soo afraid of scary movies, still they never ever kiss in the dark

#I've never seen a fanfiction with a horror-movie lover as the protagonist. What is dis world.

#Liam and I went on a date. We went to watch Saw but I was so scared I tucked my head on Liam's hoodie throughout the movie. "Is it over yet?"- I asked, when the movie ended. And you call that a date.

#Toy story, Love Actually, Titanic, The Notebook, do I really have to go on?




Love you byeeeee x Anne

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