Desperate Measures

Start from the beginning

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"It varies." Greyson's answer wasn't at all satisfactory to Nate Westfall and he hadn't expected it to be. It wasn't satisfactory for Greyson either, but it was the only answer he had to offer. "It depends a lot on how soon a heart becomes available."

The young man looked like a bomb ready to explode. He couldn't take in much more before he finally went over the edge. There had been no good news to help release some of the pressure. Even Kyle's emergence from the coma was overshadowed by his need for a new heart. In some ways, this end result was worse than the beginning. His life was in more imminent danger.

Nate rubbed the back of his neck and stared at the floor, eyes hard, tears glistening. He loved Kyle more than life, that was easy to see. So Greyson knew what was coming before the kid even spoke.

"Take mine." Nate raised his head, eyes burning with tears and desperation. "If Kyle life ain't gonna be worth shit anyway. Give him my heart."

"What?" Janice gasped softly and clutched Nate's arm. "Nate. No..."

"Do it." Nate said tightly.

Greyson shook his head slowly. "No. Nate, we can't do that." He licked his lips slowly, his throat tightening. The young man's desperation to save Kyle's life tore at Greyson's heart. He knew what the boy was going through. He would've given his own life in a moment's notice to restore Ian's. But just as there had been nothing he could offer to save his son...neither could Nate take Kyle's place.

"Why can't you?" Nate cried. He raked his fingers through his hair, visibly fighting a sob struggling to claw its way up his throat. "It's my body. My heart. I can fucking give it away if I fucking choose!"

Tears stung Greyson's eyes as he slowly shook his head. "I'm sorry, Nate." he said softly. "That isn't an option."

Janice clung to Nate's arm, her face pressed into him, crying softly. Crying for both her boys.

"Kyle is at the top of the list." Greyson said quietly. "All we can do is wait...and pray."

A heat exploded through Nate's eyes. "Pray?" He hissed. He jabbed his finger towards the doorway. "Kyle is in there on his death bed and you tell us to just wait and pray? You really think God gives a fuck what happens to Kyle? Just another filthy faggot to burn in hell!"

"Nate, honey, don't." Janice cried quietly, gripping Nate's arm.

Nate pulled away from her and advanced on Greyson. He stabbed his finger in Greyson's face. "Maybe if you hadn't fuckedup in the first place, Kyle would be fine now!"

"Nate, doctors aren't-"

"Don't give me your fucking excuses!" Nate cried. "This is your fucking fault!"

He never saw the kid swing, just felt the heavy, solid fist connect with his jaw, blinding pain and for a moment all went black. He didn't feel himself fall. When the blackness dissipated some, he was already down, half in the seat of a cushioned chair and half on the floor, the taste of blood in his mouth.

"Oh my god!" The nurse rushed through the doorway then turned back, speaking to someone down the hall. "Call security!"

"No!" Greyson rasped thickly, dragging himself up into the chair. He shook his head and rubbed his jaw as he looked at the nurse. "'s okay."

* * *

"But..." The nurse glanced at Nate anxiously.

He backed away, shocked by his own actions. Why the fuck had he hit the man? He turned away and went to the window, his hand on the nape of his neck again, rubbing nervously. Fuck.

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