~Chapter Eleven~

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"M-Mike I-..." I began. I wasn't really... ready, for anything like this. I preferred the Mike that would hug me, and would kiss me on my cheek, and forehead. Y'know? But here he was, being a huge perv. Not only that, but he was acting strangely like... like Vin-.
He pulled me out of my thoughts, "aw, cmon Jere. Stop being such a party pooper~." He cooed. I shivered, it was, surprisingly, both out of a new, wonderful sensation, and slight fear. I liked the new sensation. It felt... pleasurable. I felt weird. I didn't know how to respond. So, I just laid there.  Not doing anything.
Mike must have sensed my discomfort, because he burst out laughing. You got that correct, Mike Schmidt was laughing, and not over some stupid pun.
He just played a prank on me! A stupid prank!
"Mike you asshole!" I shouted, that got his attention. He wasn't used to me cussing, he looked into my deep, emerald colored eyes, as if looking into my very soul. "Woah... Jere... you cuss?!" He shouted in surprise. I nodded as if he was an idiot. I'm sure he has education, he just doesn't have any common sense.
"Yeah, of course I cuss Mike. I am an adult. After all." I replied sarcastically.
"Well yeah, I know that, but I just... imagined you to be like... I don't know a 'perfect little angel' all the time, ya know?"
I felt my cheeks heating up from embarrassment, love, and slight anger. Everybody made that assumption. I was sick of it. Now he said it too. "M-Mike. I'm not perfect. Nor will I ever. So if you could kindly shut the fuck up. That's would be very much appreciated." Venom was dripping with every word. Mike looked at me, stunned.
"Jere I..." he began. I didn't hear it. I didn't want to.
"It's okay Mike. I just thought you might've been a little different." I spat. And quickly exited the room.

~Time Skip; 12:00 AM~

Me and Mike went to work, we haven't for a while, since the fresh scars my dad gave me were still healing.
I could sense that Mike felt bad, that he wanted to comfort me, tell me he was different. He was, I knew it. I was just angry, but I couldn't apologise, at least not now, I was... I was going to go home, I felt like I should, Mike had embarrassed me by saying that he was my boyfriend when my dad asked who he had been. I had been a blushing mess. Remembering that made me want to change my mind. But I wouldn't. I couldn't.
Mike brought me back to the present by barking an order at me, I jumped, but proceeded to follow, this happened each time. He would bark an order, then I would jump, and shakily do what he told me to do. I began getting more shaky as the night progressed, it was full of activity, and my plan, making me terrified. Mike had seemed to had sensed this since his commands became things he asked me politely to do slowly. I still got shakier and shakier.
"Jere... what's wrong babe?" Mike asked, concern dripping from every word. It made me want to cry, but I caught the "babe" part, and blushed deeply. "N-n-nothing M-Mike..." I stammered. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
"You sure about that?"
"Y-yeah... it's j-j-just s-stress." I lied, I even managed to keep the stuttering down a bit. Score one for Jeremy.
But he didn't stop there. He kept pressuring me to tell him. I was about to loose control, for the first time in forever, I'd cry in front of another person.
"Babe... just please... tell me..." He pleaded. I gave in. I sobbed, I suddenly grabbed ahold of his shirt, and sobbed into his muscular chest.
He started rubbing patterns in my back, making me calm down.
"M-Mike... I'm s-sorry..." I apologized.

I'll Never Let You Go... (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz