~Chapter Eight~

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When I woke up, I was covered in blood... I was still in the bathroom however. I screamed I was terrified that it was my own blood and that I was going to die. I... I didn't feel hurt. Then I looked around... I saw the mutilated corpse of Vincent... 'D-did I do THAT?!' My mind yelled. I was about to puke. Then my eyes went wide. 'Did I hurt Mike?!' I ran out of the bathroom. I saw an unconscious Mike, he didn't look too bad. Except for a few stabs. I was ready to sob. I thought I had done it.
Later Mike explained that Vincent did the wounds, and comforted me about the Vincent thing. Unlike Mike, I killed him. I committed a murder. I'm a monster...
I stayed in my room and did nothing but listened to songs that made me feel... good that I'm not the only one... Like Monster by Skillet. Or InSAnIty by the Vocaloids.
"I I feel like a monster" I sang along with the chorus. It helped me feel better. Mike eventually knocked on my door. "Hey Jere?" He asked through the door. "Y-yeah?" I answered.
"I um... need to talk to you."
I unlocked and opened the door. I was glad for my bangs. They hid my red, puffy, and swelled eyes. I had been crying at that point.

~Mike's POV; Living room~

I have to tell him. I have to tell him now. The reason I stood up for him. The reason I didn't just play dead. The reason me and Doll had been fighting. How I actually feel about him. I wish he'd show me his eyes... I wish-
"M-Mike?" He called. Man... His stutter is so fucking cute. "Jere I um... I uh..." I began, I swear I saw a little spark in him. "I... I like you..."
"I know..." His voice was filled with pain, and depression. I jumped, and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Y... you do?"
He nodded.
"You l-like me l-like a l-little b-brother..."
I chuckled.
"Jere, you're wrong."
He jumped, and during that, I kissed him. "See?" I asked. Some of Hus bangs moved, and his eyes were wide with shock, he also had a blush that was super deep. It was adorable.

~Jeremy's POV~

He just kissed me. I fought for words, but I was too in shock. He chuckled. "Am I really that good of a kisser?" He joked. Out of the joy I felt, I kissed him back. Now he was shocked. I giggled.
"Now THAT was a good kiss!" He yelled. Causing my face to be on fire. I was so happy... he actually did love me...

'He loves me...'


Hey guys! Thanks for everything so far! ;) I really hope you like this chapter. I had to get them together somehow. Plus express the fact that Jere ISN'T always a little angel. He's more like... an Angel With A Shotgun. ;)

<3 Jenny

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