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Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it. ~William Feather   

Calum's POV

I walked into the therapy office for my first session, I had came her alone. Michael did not follow me, as he was working. The women asked for my name but before I could speak Ashton came out and smile. "Hey Calum, I have been waiting for you." I said nothing, but followed Ashton inside of his office. He sat down and I sat across from him. "First session, exciting right?"

"Not really, I'm only here because Michael thinks it will be good for us." I shrugged, I felt like I was supposed to be as honest as I could with him, and if he had a problem, well he was in the wrong profession then. 

"Why is that?" Ashton cocked an eyebrow. "How long have you and Michael been together?"

"Four years." I shrugged.

"Congratulations." Ashton said.

"Yeah not really." I sighed. "We don't spend any time together, he's always working because he doesn't like the idea of a job stressing me out." 

"Well, he's just considerate of you." Ashton flashed a smile. 

"I know." 

"So what's the problem with you and Michael?" Ashton asked, as if he looked extremely interested in what I was going to say.

"It kind of feels, empty at this point. He's always gone, and when he is there it's for such a short amount of time." I said. "And since he works all day, I'm alone most of the time at my house and it's just so boring." 

"Why don't you consider picking up a hobby?" Ashton suggested. "You might find something you really quite like." When I said nothing Ashton gave a smirk. "Are you upset because you and Michael don't share anything intimate with each other anymore?"

"W-What..?" I mumbled. 

"Well intimacy is never the same twice, and when you got out of high school and Michael had to start working," Ashton began. "You never experienced it anymore. It might have been there for a short lived amount of time, but suddenly Michael was too busy while you were so bored." 

"I feel like I'm wasting his time." I sighed.

"He's doing this for you." Ashton said.

"He could have gone to school, gotten a degree." I replied. "Done something he really wanted to be."

"But he wanted to be with you more than anything." Ashton concluded. "Are you worried that you might not feel the same way about Michael as he does with you?" 

"No, yes, kind of I guess." I sighed. "I don't know, it doesn't feel like it used to but he's never around so I assume it's just that." 

"It might be." Ashton shrugged. "What do you two do when he's not working?" 

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." I said.

"Why don't you try and initiate something else then?" Ashton asked. "Chances are he'll want to do something if you're involved, so if you suggest an activity or even like a movie you wanted to go see, he might agree to it." 

As I pondered on the thought, Ashton continued. "But there's a reason your relationship with Michael isn't going well, and you think it has something to do with you, but what is it about you that has Michael saying you don't need to work and that he'll take care of you. Mental disorder? Eating? Self-harm issues? Abuse in your adolescence? That includes bullying, of course." 

"You're asking a lot of questions all at once." I rolled my eyes. "The list is pretty long."

"Well we have your entire session to fill." Ashton said. "You're here for two hours with me, and if you want to spend as little time with me as possible - which I assume you do - we need to get down to the nitty and gritty."

"What makes you say that I don't want to spend any time with you?" I asked. 

"I can see it of your face Cal." Ashton laughed. "I've seen that expression many times before. A lot of people don't want to come to therapy, they show because a significant other made them show up. Not like they actually wanted to. You are not an exception to the rule. Of course, a lot of people learn to enjoy their time with me after a few sessions." 

"Why? Are you some kind of god-like therapist?" I scoffed.

"No, I'm just pretty honest. I'm not about telling you what you want to hear Calum. I'm telling you what will help you, whether you agree with me or not." Ashton smiled. "So go on, you might as well use this time wisely, as you are paying for it." 

"Fine, I don't eat a lot and I don't really like anything about myself. I got bullied a lot growing up and my mother was nothing but a drunk. When Michael and I started dating, everything got worse for a really long time before it got better. Now it feels like it's just getting bad again and if I lose Michael I lose everything. I have no family, no friends, no job, absolutely nothing."

"Well, Michael seems like a pretty nice guy. If he was going to kick you out anytime soon, he would be suggesting that you get a job rather than just be in the unemployment line." Ashton said. "How have you dealt with bullies in the past?"

"Poorly, but I mean there's no reason for me to act that way anymore. There's no one in my life besides Michael." I shrugged.

"I think that you might really benefit from group therapy, you don't really know a whole lot of people, so I think it might make you feel better in order to meet a lot of people who feel the same way you do. I lead the entire sessions, so I won't make you say anything that will make you comfortable." Ashton flashed a smile. "It's on Friday mornings and I think it's worth a shot for you, Calum. Who knows, you might find someone you really like. Making some friends might help you to be less lonely."

I looked Ashton up and down, and was thinking about scoffing and turning him down, but I nodded instead. "Okay, where are they?" 


This is going really slow so far but I promise it will be getting better in the upcoming chapters. 

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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