Despite everything, despite all the complications, despite all the pointless, stupid, stupid dilemmas I had got myself in, despite the dangerous and sneaky thing me and Niall were presently doing, I laughed. Because it was much easier, I realized with a smile, than crying over the man I could not have. For quite some time now, it seems. 

''Sorry, Niall,'' I chuckled, playing with that adorable, blond gelled quiff of his. ''I guess I have my minds on other things,''

Niall smiled sweetly. ''I guess you do.'' He slid his fingers out of me, and straddled me, stretching my legs further. He looked up at me, as if to say, You ready? I nod. 

Niall slips himself inside of me easier than I'd ever experienced anybody do so. I was joyous. He finally earned the gasp out of me he'd been wanting. He grinned, as he pushed and pushed, in and out, making me pant and moan for more. He got faster and faster and faster, until he was pounding me twice a second. It felt... amazing. He was beginning to tickle my prostate, and I begged for more and more, until he finally went so deep he made me flail in front of him, groaning and panting hard, crying out for more. 

Soon, Niall cummed, as did I, almost in matching seconds, white ribbons shooting from my cock, all over my stomach. Niall plunged inside me a few more indulgent times, then collapsed on top of my chest, breathing hard. 

''Th-that was.... amazing,'' I managed to muster amidst all the panting. ''Thank you, Niall,''

I really was thankful. And Niall, being the nerd and academically intelligent freak he was, obviously noticed. He grinned, and placed a soppy kiss on my lips. ''You're welcome, Zayn,'' he meant that, too, ''Would you like me to go now?''

''No, no,'' I mumbled, pulling him back down on top of my sweaty torso. Niall smiled warmly. ''Please stay. I need some company... my mind just feels so lonely without knowing Louis is with me. He always told me that our relationship should be illegal....'' I sighed, remembering, ''It's real, now. Harsh reality has torn us apart...''

Niall twisted his face. ''Uh, don't go all soppy and cheesy on me, torn apart is enough for me, okay mate?'' Niall chuckled, pulling on his boxers. He then groaned, and smelt his arm pit, and grimaced. ''I really need a shower,''

I jumped up, completely naked. ''Let's take a shower together,'' I murmured, kissing his cheek as I took his hand. Niall sighed, smiling as he shook his head, clearly tired but pleased to have more time with me nude. 

So we both squeezed in the cubicle, butt naked, and had a long, steamy session in the shower. (I didn't actually mean that pun... n_n) He dried each other, got dressed with each other, acting just like me and Louis should have. But now I was wondering if we ever will. D'you think he might get back together with Eleanor once he is out of prison? Regain his family?

No, he loves you. You love him, too. More than anything. It's stupid to think that, said my denouncing conscience. I felt a mental battle surging, so I pushed it out my brain, and concentrated on the drink I was now pouring out for Niall. We were having some beer, and planning to watch some shit on t.v, anything to take my mind off Mr Tomlinson. Niall was being a really great friend to me... and only today, this afternoon, did I realize what a bad friend I had let slip through my hands, along with Jazz, Liam, and Harry, blind with my love and attention for Mr Tomlinson. 

Niall left just as school was meant to end, before my sisters came home. I wondered what they would be like when they heard that Mr Tomlinson was arrested. Or maybe they had heard...

I didn't have to wonder long, as soon, Doniya strolled through, into the living room, a boy on her arm I didn't recognise. He wore our school uniform, however. I smiled up at Doniya from my seat on the sofa.

''Hey Doniya,'' I smiled up at her as she beamed down. But there was something in her smile. It was sad-no, no. It was sympathising. Oh please. I'd had enough consolatory sex with Niall. I nodded to her friend, who had jet black, scruffy hair, slightly tubsy, and shockingly light blue eyes. He was very good looking, but nowhere near as beautiful as Mr Tomlinson is. 

''Hiya Zayn,'' he sat herself down on the arm of the sofa, ''I've heard...'' she hesitated, choosing the right words, ''About Mr Tomlinson. You could've told me, you know,''

I sighed. I was sad about the event, of course, I was bloody heartbroken, but I was doing my best not to think about the hole in my heart. ''Doniya, he was not a pervert. Others just think he is. Eleanor, is ex, accused him of perverting on me. But Doniya, nothing like that happened. We love each other. Now he's behind bars,'' my voice almost cracked, but I wouldn't allow myself to break in front of this stranger. I gestured to him, ''Who's this?''

Doniya looked up at the boy, startled, as if she'd forgotten he was there. ''Oh-uhm this is Jaymi,'' he gave a small wave. ''I was just gonna go out shopping with him, but I insisted I make a stop here. I just wanted to check if you were okay...''

I shrugged. ''That's kind, but you didn't have to. Niall took the school afternoon off to talk with me. I'm fine, Doniya. You two, go have fun, okay?'' I attempted to shoo them out the room, but Doniya didn't budge.

''What about mum and dad?'' she asked, narrowing her dark eyes. I rolled mine. 

''They'll find out from me, don't worry,'' I grumbled, ''No go, go away, please. Have fun wherever you're going, just leaaave. Nice knowing you, Jaymi'' I gave him a tiny pat. ''Go, Doniya. I. Am. Fine.''

They were out for hours after that, Safaa was over at a friends, and Waliyha was in her room. Me and my parents were sitting in silence in the living room at seven o'clock in the evening. I had called them in to tell them the news. But now they were sitting in front of me, it seemed like a harder affair than I anticipated. I cleared my throat for the sixth time.

''I, uh, wanted to tell you something,'' I mumbled for the second time. My father rolled his eyes and my mother sighed.

''Yes, we both know, now tell us what you want to, Zayn!'' My father snapped. Judging by his tone, he still hadn't quite forgiven me for falling in love with my English teacher. Well, former English teacher.

''Okay... sorry... well, you see Mr Tomlinson?'' they both nodded impatiently, ''Well.... h-he's been sacked,'' they both sighed out in relief, making me angry. ''He also got arrested,'' they both froze.

''For what?'' My mother gasped, her eyes wide. I bit my lip.

''Pedophilia,'' I mumbled quietly. My parents both exchanged a shocked glance. ''No, before you ask, not on me. It's a false accusation,'' I took a deep breath. ''Eleanor Calder, his ex, who was with Louis whislt we were together-''

''That is vile!'' My father spat. I ignored him.

''And this is her revenge. I don't know how long he will be locked away for,'' I mumbled. My parents were obviously aghast. 

''Well,'' my father breathed, shaking his head, ''This is news to me... this is... well, there's no easy way to say this, but this is good for you, Zayn. You need to spend much less time with him, and ore with your friends. It was getting ridiculous. I am glad he is arrested. Because I know you are lying,'' he spat, pointing a threatening finger at me. ''He told you to tell everybody else you are hopelessly in love with him, but really, you are just a toy to him! We want to help you stay away from him! We want to protect you!''

''But I swear, mum, dad, this is not a lie. Really, I promise you. Please, please believe me'' I was begging now. My mother looked ready to give in, but my father, not so merciful. ''Dad?''

He sighed out, and rubbed his face, ''You have gotten yourself into a huge mess, my son. And only you can get yourself out of it.''

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