The Next Day.

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Henny's POV

I got up early this morning and woke Ray up. Daddy already left to go to the hospital so we were alone. I really wasn't feeling it at all today. I showered and just put on some jordans , a highwaist jeans and a blue polo shirt. I put my hair in a high messy bun and went downstairs to make Ray and I pancakes and eggs for breakfast. When he was ready he came down so we could eat. When we were done , I put in his two braids and we left. It is pride week at school this week so we dont have any classes. When we were at school Ray parked the car. I started thinking about momma , and I cried.

Ray's POV

Nahhhh b. I dont like seeing my little sister crying . I done told her momma's gonna be okay she needs to cheer up. Like legit.

Me : Ayo . Baby sister *wipes her tears* . Stop crying . Mommas gonna be fine. Pray for her. That's all. God's gonna have his way whether we like it or not. I love you now lets go.

Henny's POV.

Ray's right. Let God's will be done. I kissed him on his cheek and got out the car. I saw Shonell waiting for me at the steps. We went straight inbthe auditorium where we were having our Pride rally. We sat waiting for it to start. I felt the presence of someone beside me sitting and when I looked it was Chresanto. He took my hand and put a note in it.

Note :

Dear Henny,
       Youre quite beautiful. I know we havent talked but I know you see the way I look at you. I like you alot like legit and when we get to know each other all I would want is a chance to take care of your heart.
                     Yours Truly,
                    Chresanto A.

I read the note and looked at him. He looked at me and grabbed my hand. I didnt move it. I liked him too. And ii need comfort from what Im going through.

Shonell glanced over at us holding hands and she got up and moved. I dont know why but I dont really care. Maybe I was wrong about the good friends thing.

After the rally .. Chresanto carried me to a classroom. It was empty. He told me everything I needed to know about him and I did the same. We talked and talked , and he held me. We exchanged numbers and all. This boy is a sweet thing worth cuffing.

Rainbows of Love. Oceans of Pain (Roc Royal Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora