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Recap :

Me: Ray will momma be okay?

We reached the hospital. Ray &&' I rushed up to the front desk.

Ray : Hello ma'am. Uhh *sniffs* . What room is Mrs. Le'Anne Mc'Kay in?

------ : She is in Room 345. I am Ms.Leard.

Us both : Thank you Ms. Leard.

We rushed to find the room. Daddy was already there. Momma was set up on an oxygen tank and she was on IV. Her head was bandaged tightly. She had bruises all on her face &&' body. Blood was all over her clothing. This is not the mother I'm used to seeing.

*10 minutes later*

Doctor : Good Afternoon. I am Dr.Santos. I believe you must be the family of Mrs.Mc'Kay. She is a real fighter. Anyone in the condition the paramedic's found her in would've died on spot. She is suffering from brain damage, traumatization &&' she has a broken leg &&' arm. Her left side may be paralized but we will be sure when she wakes up.

Us : *crying*

Doctor : I hate to see you all so hurt. Please go home &&' rest. She is in good hands.

We all kissed momma &&' left. I hope my mommy is gonna be okay. I cant lose her. We didnt even go back to school. We just went straight home. When we got home.. I just went to my room
sat on my bed &&' cried.

Ray: Hey baby sis. Can I come in  ?

Me: *snuffling,crying* Come in Ray.

Ray : Look *sniffs* we cant cry. We have to be strong for daddy. I know you dont want to lose her &&' I dont too. She will be okay. Remember .. she promised to stop hitting you .. &&' she did. She probably was preparing for this moment when she knew she would need you the most. *kisses my cheek* . Just be strong.. I love you ♥♥ ...

Rainbows of Love. Oceans of Pain (Roc Royal Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now