Victor was a smart guy, and the guys all deferred to him, but the weight of leadership was so heavy at his shoulders that sometimes she could see him slumping. Dakota would be more suited for the role of leader but he'd never take his friend's place, not unless someone convinced him that it was for the best.


Sitting in the very last table on the science laboratory, Sang was startled from her thought when the chair beside her was pulled back. Looking up she met with emerald green eyes outlined by black frames.

"May I sit here?" he asked, while smiling politely at her.

Blushing, she answered. "Of course you can, Kota."

Sitting down and putting his bag beside his chair he said "it is nice to meet you Sang."

Chuckling she said, "Yeah, it's nice to meet you too. By the way, I always wanted to compliment you on that experiment that you made for the school science exhibition last year, it was pretty cool."

"Thank you." His emerald green eyes were gorgeous, and so was the soft smile that appeared on his face while he blushed. He was so cute when he blushed that I felt the overwhelming need to pinch his cheeks. Creepy! I am becoming an old aunt! At this rate I will end up alone and caring for cats!

Control yourself Sang, don't be a creep, she thought to herself while silently chanting in her head, I am not going to pinch his cheeks... I am not going to pinch his cheeks... "So, how are things going with you and the boys?"

"Have you been watching all of us?" he asked curiously.

This time she was the one who blushed. "Yup, I've been stalking all five of you." She said with a straight face.

He laughed. "You know that I didn't mean it like that. And to answer your question, we are as fine as we can be, considering the situation we all are into." He finished seriously.

That teacher walked into the room and we quieted to pay attention to class. When she passed a questioner for them to answer they worked together and finished the work quickly, gaining some free time to talk during class.

"So, Victor asked me to tell you that he is got the "package" and expects the proper "payment" to be made in music class. Any idea what he was talking about? I hope it wasn't drugs." He teased.

Widening her eyes she practically squealed, "Of course not! Good god, Kota! What have you been watching on the Tv? He is lending me some books and I will lend him my CD with some music."

Chuckling he said, "I know Sang, I was just messing with you. I must be spending too much time with Luke. He is the prankster of the group."

Smiling while thinking of the mischievous blonde boy she commented, "I could see that. He is also very observant."

Looking curiously at her he asked. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, it is just that it seems like he is always diffusing the situation. I notice that when someone in your group is getting mad or sad he tries harder to make everyone smile."

Thinking back to all his interactions with his most bubbly friend Kota saw that she was right. Luke was the only one among them that had a mostly normal household, he lived alone with his uncle, and so he spent a lot of time by himself, but he wasn't abused or neglected really, his uncle gave him as much attention as he could. That didn't mean that he didn't suffer and feel lonely, he just hid behind his smiles and jokes, working hard to make himself and everyone around him to see the brighter side of life.

"You are right." He mused distractedly. Looking back at Sang he said. "Thank you for sharing that with me." She just smiled at him.

When the bell rang, Kota walked Sang to her next class, Arts.

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