Chapter 15

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Harry heard the nervousness in his father's voice. He had been home for a few weeks now and had just gotten back from therapy about an hour ago, which meant he had been sitting in his father's office drinking tea and talking with him. Talking about nothing and everything at the same time; about life, death, about his mother and about his father's youth. It was what they had been doing every time after Harry got back from his therapy sessions, and Harry enjoyed it. They had just been in the midst of discussing whether religion had had a positive or negative effect on humanity when they had been interrupted by a knock on their door, and Jason came in.

They hadn't heard anything from him since Harry was back. Not a word. Not even a call, an email, a text. Nothing.

Harry turned around and looked at his older brother, feeling no love nor hate towards this stranger in the room. Jason was wearing a black leather jacket and still had his motor helmet in his hands.

"Hello old man. Hey Harry," Jason said with a separate nod for the both of them. "What's for dinner? I'm starving."

"Well..." Samuel looked at Harry, scratching the back of his head. "I guess we were about to order some pizza, right son?" Harry nodded. "I suppose you could join if you-"

"Great! I'll just drop my stuff in my room. Margarita for me. Call me when it has arrived!"

Samuel sunk back in his chair and sighed, shaking his head. "Could the both of you have turned out even more differently?" Harry smiled softly. "Well, I suppose I'll order us a pizza then. Which one do you want to try out this time?"

Harry got up out of his chair and walked around the desk so he could look at his dad's laptop screen, which had a tab of Square pizza's open. He skimmed trough the images and names of the different kinds of pizzas quickly, and then pointed at one he knew for sure he hadn't ordered before. 

"Alright," Samuel said, adding it to their cart. "You go read for a bit or something, son. I'll let you know when it's here." Harry nodded, smiled once, and went to his room where he had the fourth book of Wheel of Time laying on his bed. He laid down, checking his phone for any missed texts. There were only a few of Gabe, asking him if he wanted to grab a cup of coffee. He ignored it for now, deciding he wanted to read instead.

It wasn't like he didn't want to go with her. It was more like he was sick of 'grabbing a cup of coffee' with someone. He had done it too often - four times last week alone already - and he didn't even like coffee. He felt like he needed his time alone. It was exhausting to go from only seeing one person for such a long time to spending his afternoons in crowded coffee shops and busy streets.

Or, perhaps it was more like no one's company could really compare to one certain someone's company.

The past few weeks had been difficult for Harry, and strange. For some reason he still waited for someone to wake him up in the morning, and usually got disappointed when it wasn't Louis. In the evening he watched Disney's The Little Mermaid every time before he went to bed but he knew it just wasn't the same as it could have been.

He missed Louis. He actually missed him.

He had never exactly told the police what had happened either. He had never told any names, and said some of them wore masks all the time. One time he had to go and see if he recognized any of the men they had taken into custody he had indeed vaguely remembered most of them. When they had given him Louis' picture however, Harry had felt as if he would almost faint.

Louis Tomlinson, the card had read. Harry had stared at the boy's picture for what felt like hours, drinking in the curves of his nose and the soft fall of his light brown hair, studying his lips and wondered how they would've felt if they would have been pressed against his own...

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