Where loyalties lye

Start from the beginning

The next morning I woke up as usual, got ready and made my way down to the common room. I was still mad with Draco and was in a particularly sour mood because of it. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Draco would be so controlling and such a jerk. I guess I never really got to see some of his true qualities until now. I came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, my eyes scanned the room quickly. There was no sign of the platinum blonde hair that I wanted to avoid, I sighed in relief. "Rachel!" A voice called out to me, I stiffened momentarily only relaxing when I realized the voice belonged to Blaise Zabini. "Oh, good morning Blaise" I greeted him, my tone was kind and sincere. There was no need for me to be rude to Blaise, he had done nothing to deserve my sour attitude. He had one arm slung over the back of the couch he was lounging on, he had his head turned to face me despite the rest of his body facing the flickering fireplace. "Are you heading down to breakfast?" He questioned simply. I nodded in response. "Malfoy and the others will be down in a moment if you wanna wait" "I think I'll just head down by myself. I missed dinner last night so I'm kinda starving" I lied, my tone was calm and it gave an air of truthfulness. Blaise reacted in an instant, standing from his position on the couch and brushing the invisible dirt off of his robes. "I'll accompany you then, Draco won't mind, he can catch up later" I nodded in acknowledgement and turned to exit the common room with Blaise falling in step beside me.

Me and Blaise sat at the Slytherin table conversing with some of the 2nd and 3rd years while we ate our breakfast. "So~Rachel, I've got some history of magic homework and I was wondering if you could help me with it, I don't really understand it and I know you've got a pretty high mark in that class" Blaise asked suddenly. In all honesty I was starting to warm up to Blaise, he was friendly and sweet not to mention funny, although he could be a bit of a bully when it came to students in other houses. "Of course I'd love to help you, how could I say no to a friend?" I beamed at him. He grinned and slung an arm around my shoulder playfully. "What a doll. I owe you one" He commented which I took as I friendly gesture so I just smiled. At that moment one of the second years sitting in front of us waved someone over. I turned my head to look at who he was waving at and frowned when I did. Draco had just entered the great hall looking quite irritated, this was probably due to having Pansy clinging to his right arm as he walked. The two were closely followed by Vincent and Gregory as they made their way to the table, headed in our direction. I turned back around not wanting Draco nor Pansy for that matter, to catch my eye. When they reached the able, Draco made an obvious attempt to sit next to me but he was shoved away lightly by the Pug face girl who claimed the spot next to me. I was actually grateful for this. Don't get me wrong, I hate Parkinson there's no doubt about it but right now I'm not on great terms with Draco so I'l settle for sitting next to her rather than him.

The group of us chatted as usual with the exception of Draco who seemed to keep to himself and only speak when questioned directly. Even though I wasn't looking I could feel someone's eyes on me. I knew they were Draco's but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of returning his gaze, instead I turned away from even further to face Blaise. "So Blaise, where and when do you want to meet up later?" Blaise smiled at me cutely. "How about in the library, shall we say 8:00?" I smiled and nodded. "8:00 it is!" As of now it was time to go to class, today was Monday which meant we had double potions, a class I looked forward to not only because I was good at it but because Professor Snape was by far my favourite teacher. It was no secret that he favoured all Slytherins but I he had favourite students beyond that factor. Draco and I were those students. I could tell Professor Snape had warmed up to me throughout the entire month that we'd be having special classes together, it sounds weird but it's true. I actually succeeded in making him smile...sorta, smirking counts as a smile, right?

When the lot of use were making our way to the potions classroom I noticed upon approaching that I could hear the faint sound of voices in the classroom ahead. I could only pick up on them because they were familiar voices. By the sound of it the trio were already in the classroom and upon entering I concluded that my theory was indeed correct. Harry and Ron were sitting together while Hermione sat a desk in front of them by herself occasionally turning back to jump in the conversation. As Hermione was turned facing the two boys behind her she caught my eye. She offered me a half smile as she noticed my predicament. Hermione was smart indeed, she could recognize any situation with a single glance, she had definitely figured out mine. I sat down at a desk by myself, I didn't expect Draco to sit next to me nor did I really want him to. A body sat itself in the seat next to mine, I looked up and was met with a pair of chocolate brown ones belonging to Blaise. I smiled warmly. "How nice of you to join me" I commented jokingly, he chuckled then suddenly became serious. "I find it odd that you and Malfoy haven't spoken at all this morning, did something happen between you two?" I was amazed at how observant he had been, I never thought Blaise Zabini would be one to contemplate things like this. I shrugged dismissively, I wasn't sure I was ready to confide in Blaise just yet, I didn't want to gossip plus now that I think about it our argument was stupid. I was stupid, I shouldn't have freaked out like that. "You know you can tell me, I won't tell anyone. You can trust me. I'm the only one that'll know and if word gets out you can hex me" Blaise looked at me sincerely. I took that moment to stare deep into his eyes searching for the truth. With the use of Legilimency I was able to conclude that Blaise was telling the truth.

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