Chapter 5

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"Daniel O' Donoghue if you know what's good for you, you wouldn't even think about it. " I threatened with my finger, Nathan was standing by his side grinning from ear to ear, having found a co-conspirator.

I had literally been cornered by the Irish giant and my mischievous little brother. "What are you gonna do?" Danny smirked at me, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Wouldn't do it." Simon yelled from the other side of the room where the crew and the lads were laughing from our chase.

"I'd follow his advice." I advised. "don't think so." He smirked, running forward and holding me against his chest as Nathan tickled. "No, don't. stop. please. Nathan stop or..." I tried, but I couldn't come up with anything.

I got more worried when I saw Simon approaching with a smirk that could have rivalled Danny's. "Simon Willems if you know what's good for you, I wouldn't take one step closer." I shrieked through giggles. Nathan finally stopped tickling me and Danny held me steady against his chest as I got my breath back.

"Why?" simon whined. "if you want to end up on another lilo in the middle of the night and on lake I'd continue." I recalled. "She's all yours mate." Simon said, holding up his hands in surrender and looking at Danny behind me.

"What was that threat about?" Glen asked me when we joined the group. "Don't start a prank war with Lizzy over there or you'll regret it." Simon warned. "You could know; you've been on the receiving end of several one's." Sophie teased, high fiving me.

"Great, Murdock one and two ganging up on me." He muttered under his breath. "do you see a gang? Soph.." I asked turning to her. "No, but we all know Simon sees things we don't." she smirked up at Simon.

"Haha." He quipped, pulling a face. "Great, they're at it again." Autumn she threw up her hands looking at Eve.

"Can't the three of you just be together without having competitions and pranks going on?" eve asked seriously. Sophie, Simon and I were quick to answer with a unison "no."

"great. I'm not sharing a room with them." Autumn and eve said to one another. "dibs on Liz." Sophie said, taking a hold of my arm.

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" Simon pouted. "I'm sure the wild boar in the rain forest on the border of the city would welcome you gladly in their family, I mean they won't even notice a difference." I teased and started running when he started chasing me. Taking a hold of both Autumns arm I pulled her in front of me and used her a human shield. "not getting involved." She said, pulling away and walking over to Sophie, whilst the rest laughed.

When the two of us calmed down enough we joined the chuckling group again.

"Come on, let's all head back to the Hotel." Mark suggested as we all got in the mini vans, but the extra person, had caused a bit of a problem with the places.

"come on, sit on my lap." Danny said, pulling me into his lap, his arms wrapped around my waist, my head in a weird angle as the ceiling of the car came pretty low. Sophie was squashed between Glen and Danny, but ended up being pulled in Glen's lap.

'Great' I mouthed to her and she just snickered. If a person from the outside had looked in the car, It'd look like something it probably shouldn't have. Sophie and mine's heads close, it almost looked like we were kissing, that close were we and in the mean time we were sitting in I might say two hot guys' laps.

Sophie and I were smirking and giving secret and quite suggestive glances all the way to the hotel. "finally, fresh air." I complained as we got out of the car, stretching my legs. "that wasn't to bad, was it." Danny whispered in my ear as I felt him come and stand close to me. Tilting my head up I could see something in his eyes, I had seen very few times pointed at me.

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