Chapter three

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The lads had stayed at their family's home now they were back in Dublin. I was sleeping in a hotel near the concert hall. Now I was preparing for Danny to show me around the city of Dublin, before we'd head to his mother's house for tea and dinner.

Walking down towards the lobby I made sure I was looking alright as I walked past mirrors. Danny was already waiting on me, seated in a couch covered up in a hoodie, glasses, bonnet.

"Hey, Love. "he greeted me, kissing my cheek. "You ready to see our beautiful town." He chuckled. "Absolutely, show the way." I smiled, motioning my hand forwards. He intertwined our arms and walked out of the hotel.

Being comfortable around him was something that came naturally. His personality putting you at ease in a second. First we went to a breakfast bar, another from yesterday. Danny joking, telling stories of how much Dublin meant to him, how the places we'd visit would relate to his life.

As we left the bar, a couple of girls walked over to Danny: "OH MY GOD IT'S DANNY FROM THE SCRIPT." They screamed. "hello girls." Danny walked over to them, taking pictures with each one of them. "Is that your girlfriend?" she asked in a rude gesture and look that almost said 'really, together with this bitch.'

"No but this lovely lady here is our tour manager, I'm showing her around our Dublin. The tour won't be possible with out her." Danny praised, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

"it's been lovely to meet you, girls. But we must continue, we have some places to be yet." Danny quickly added. We said goodbye and walked ahead. "I'm sorry Elizabeth, most of our fans aren't like that." He assured me. "It's fine. I can imagine that the of us dating would raise many same reactions, I mean look at me." I explained, motioning my hand to my body.

"None of that. I'd be a hell of lucky guy to date someone like you. you're beautiful, smart, intelligent. Don't ever think anything different." He told me off, hugging me with the arm slung around my shoulders. "I know I'm not a supermodel, Danny. But thanks anyway". I shrugged off.

I felt and heard him sign as he we kept on walking on Grafton street. By the time we arrived at his mother's place I'd had an amazing day. The two of us had taken several pictures of one another, together and of sightseeing's. the moment of the fans had been put aside as we had enjoyed our day together.

"Liz, what did you think of Dublin?" Ailish asked me. "It's beautiful, really. I can see why so many people love it." I admitted with a smile. The smell of food immediately invading my nostrils. "it smells amazing here." I stated with honesty. "I decided to make something typical Irish." She informed me.

"What're you making mam?" Danny asked his mom as they hugged. "Poached Salmon." She told him. "You like fish, Liz?" Ailish asked me. "Love it, you can't do wrong with fish with me." I chuckled as I followed her. "do you need any help?" I asked, not wanting to advantage of Ailish's hospitality.

"no, no dear. You just sit back and enjoy. I can't imagine you'll have many of those moments in the next year" She patted my back with a chuckle. "Don't worry, they've been taking care of me very well." I smiled at her.

"Good, I can see you're a good girl, a very intelligent and smart one. Good to hear my boy's been taking care of you." she explained with motherly love, the love she had for Danny shinning through them.

Looking at Danny I could see a small blush covering his cheeks. "she's a sweet women." I chuckled silently. "she is. It's amazing how far she's come since having the aneurysm." He told me, disbelief in his voice as he looked at the doorway that probably led to the kitchen.

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