Chapter 2

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"Elizabeth wait." A voice behind me yelled, turning around I saw that Danny had caught up with me. "What, if you want me to apologize you've arrived at the wrong address. I won't have people disrespecting me, no matter how much younger I am to him." I informed him.

"I wasn't going to ask you that. But please don't let us start without you, you're one of the best managers we've ever had, you're right. You've done things other would never have thought of doing. Mark knows that as well, he's just... your our first female manager and like you said he likes to have the reigns in his own hands. He knows what you're doing for us. but you're very independent and wise for young women, on top of that you're as stubborn as a mule. He's not used to that." Danny explained as I sat down on one of the benches leading up towards the exit door.

"Danny I really appreciate what your doing here, but you're not the one who should apologize. I blew off my first five weeks of holiday in like a year, to help you guys out. I'm going to be the tour manager for the next year. Don't get me wrong. I'm really or rather was very excited about joining you guys, what you don't know is that I've been a massive fan of yours, I really like your songs. But I've ignored that to give you the best results possible." I admitted.

"I didn't know that, why didn't you tell us and what do you mean by rather was?" he asked, turning his body towards me.

"Mark needs to realize that he can't behave like that. I'm not that type of person. I'll do everything in my power to help the people I like; I think I've already shown that. But Mark needs to realize he can't treat me like that. Why didn't I tell you? why did it matter. I was your manager, not a fan during my working hours." I explained. "So you'll leave us." he inquired the sad tone in his voice was clear as day. I wasn't going to abandon them now; they didn't know that. Where would they find a tour manager now.

I just wanted Mark to sweat a little, wanting him to realize that me being here did have an effect, that I wasn't just a waste of time. "not if Mark realises he was mistaken and apologizes. It's all in his hands now." I stated, getting up.

"Goodbye Danny, I wish you the best on the tour." I said, kissing his cheek and walking out. Well that was good acting. Maybe I should have told Danny about it though. Maybe I had gone to far. No I hate being disrespected. I've been working my ass off day and night.  I knew everybody was grateful for the work I had done for them, I get it you can't like everybody, but I learned to act nice and shut up, then. Being a tour guide and contractor made me realize that if you can't stand person, you still act as if you do though. You never know that you might need a favour one day.

Was I being though and a bitch probably, but that's how I became by a life of challenges and experiences. I was a though cookie if you didn't respect me. I was lovely to those I like and cared about. I'd go through fire to help those people out, any day, any night.


Danny POV.

I can't believe how stupid Mark was. Glen, I, George, Matt, Rodney, Ben we all had told him that his cold demeanour and ungratefulness would come back to haunt him. I'd only now her for almost 5 weeks now, but she was an open book. I knew she had her secret, who doesn't. but the thing I had realised was that she'd do anything for you if you respected her.

Being treated as an equal and with respect was something she had put high on her list of values. I almost didn't recognize Mark with her, normally he was always sweet and caring about every one. He would never act like that to somebody that was a valuable asset to our team and Elizabeth definitely was.

I dragged my feet up the stairs. And now we were one week away from our kick off and left without a tour manager. I'd force Mark to apologize if I had to. I wasn't ready to really lose her both as a friend and maybe something else. I'd really grown close to her. I opened the door and walked into what had turned into a crisis centre.

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