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'Hurry up! You're almost as bad as Slowpoke!' I yelled to her across the parking lot.
'Couldn't you help me? These are so heavy!'
'Not my fault you bought so many unnecessary clothes. You have plenty of cute things at home.'

Mel slowly made her way over and put everything in the back of the car. 'I needed some more. I plan on giving a lot away, ya'know' Mel said slumping in the passenger seat next to me. 'Well good for you. But this was a bit excessive.' I winked at her starting to pull out of the parking spot. She rolled her eyes then plugged her phone into the car stario, playing 'The Black', Asking's new song.

That song was pretty deep. We sang along to the song and to others as they came up on her playlist. In not too long we pulled up in her drive way. I helped her with her bags and gave her a hug as I headed back.

Once I got home I hopped into the shower. I got out and checked my phone. I got an email from Asking's manager. 'Please be at the venue at 9am. Going to be a hot one.' I read out loud. I copied the email and sent it to Mel.

I then went into my room and started pulling clothes for tomorrow. I grabbed my black high waisted jeans, an old Asking shirt and black converse. I laid them out on my desk chair then turning to grab my backpack. It was a black Jansport bag with buttons from hottopic on them. I threw it with the other stuff and headed to the kitchen.

I threw some water bottles and a sandwhich into the fridge. I then grabbed some mango cubes and headed back to my room. I picked up my phone and watched YouTube videos and ate mango cubes till I fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm blasting beeps at me. I turned it off and checked my phone, 'ugh, 6:30' I groaned. I texted Mel to wake her up then started to get ready. I straightened my hair and did my normal winged liner. I got changed into the clothes I layed out and packed my bag.

I texted Mel to tell her that I was on my way to her house to pick her up. I got in the car and started blasting music. Asking, of course. Once I got in her drive way I honcked the horn. She came running out smiling. I turned down the music as she hopped in.

'YOU PUMPED!?' Mel practically screamed at me. 'I would be more lumped but I just lost my hearing in my ear' I joked and shoved her a bit.

Mel emailed Asking's manager telling him that we were here as we parked. We grabbed our stuff and headed to the front, surprisingly there was already 100+ people waiting in line and it was only 8:40am. We got to the front of then line and talked to security for a bit before their manager arrived.

He had a familiar figure with him; it ws Ben. I smiled over at him and he smiled back waving. 'Welcome' Ben said as he hugged Mel and I. 'Thanks' I said blushing causing him to chuckle a bit. 'I'm Steve the manager, let's get going before it gets too busy, were short on time' he said leading us further into the venue.Mel walked next to Steve and started asking him a million questions.

Ben and I walked together behind them. 'Nice shirt by the way' He said to me. I looked down straightening out my shirt, 'this old thing? Idk the band I got this shirt from is pretty lame' I said chuckling. Ben laughed along. Yay I'm not an idiot! 'Yeah totally lame. I'd hate to be one of those guys' he said poking me.

This is going to be an interesting few days.

. . .


Im so sorry for not updating. Kinda forgot about this and then didn't really understand why I even did this. But I'll continue I guesssssssssssssssss
I'll update soon!

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