I nodded. "Of course." There was another knock, followed by the ringing of the doorbell. Bella stood up, unable to take it anymore.

"Why would he take her? I don't get it. He couldn't have found out...?" I trailed off, standing up as well. The situation was a mess in my head, and the constant knocking was increasing the pressure and the franticness.

"Who is it outside?" Brandon asked, as an ominous aura settled over us.

Bella stared at the front door. As if looking at it hard enough will enable her to look through. With a sigh she explained, "I went out to search for Giulia an hour ago. Just outside the clinic, I saw one of my papa's men. That could only mean one thing, right?

"He is still in Singapore and somehow found out about us. And then kidnapped Giulia."

It was bewildering to say the least, to hear Bella talking about terms like kidnapping so easily. But it wasn't time for me to ponder, as the knock on the door turned insistent, forcing us to take action. I frowned when I thought I heard a faint female voice.

"Bella are you sure it's them?" I asked, sure I had heard someone speak. It couldn't be...

"Bella," Brandon interrupted before she could speak, "Did he see you? Your father's men?"

She shook her head. "I took the elevator and ran here as fast as I could." She trembled; probably the reminder of what could have happened if she hadn't.

"Then how do you know they're the one's outside?"

She shrugged. "Just an intuition?"

"That won't do. Brandon let's check." I took his hand. "Bella go to the bathroom and hide."

"But why is she hiding? They won't even touch her." Brandon nudged me, speaking in a low voice, so only I could hear.

"Right," I said after consideration, "but better safe than sorry."

In three steps, we were at the door. It was silent from the other end, and inside, I wished that whoever it had been was gone. Brandon took the lead and looked through the peephole. I waited for the verdict in tense silence, but he snorted when he pulled back. He slapped a hand on his forehead, his expression flitting between amusement and annoyance.

"Who is it?" I mouthed, confused by his demeanor. Instead of telling me, he did a show of his hands, asking me to see for myself.

Giving him a side look, I did as he asked and looked through the fish eye lens. The image of the short physique of Sarah standing behind the door greeted me. She was biting her nails, and looking left and right every two seconds. I saw her hesitate, deciding between going back and waiting.

Before she could do either, I pulled back and opened the door.

A relieved Sarah engulfed me in a hug. I could smell the trace of alcohol on her, along with the sickeningly sweet smell of vanilla scented perfume. As a thought struck me, I pulled back from her at once. My hands still on her shoulder, I asked, "Don't tell me that Leonard is missing as well?"

"Leo?" Her brows furrowed at the mention of her boyfriend and partner, and then pointed to the room two doors down. "He's passed out in our room. I thought something happened to you."

I sighed when I heard that. So, it wasn't a mass abduction of partners or anything. But then it also meant that it had specifically to do with Bella and Giulia.

"Wait a minute. As well? Who's missing? Brandon?" Sarah, though intoxicated, had not missed my words. And her domineering stature rendered me speechless. Brandon had gone inside during this time, leaving me alone. There was no one around to help, and thinking more the better, I pulled her in.

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