Gray groaned once the other was out. His body ached all over and he could bet all his Pororo stuffies that his foot was already fractured.

'Wu zhuang de xin zang wei ni Break Do-'

"Yeah Lyon?" Gray picked up the call, worm-rolling towards his bag. He was way too tired to even get up.

"Yeah I am still here...yeah...somehow I am alive...will be back soon...What!? Who told you that?!...That damned playboy! Yeah, I am coming shut yer trap already!"

He chucked his phone inside his bag and somehow stood up. He felt as if all his energy had gone down the drain. Just thinking about doing all this tomorrow again was making him wanna faint and never wake up.

After 30 mins...

"Just one more can do it Gray!" Gray mumbled to himself, walking towards his dorm room.

Finally reaching the creaky door instead of knocking he banged his head on it. Laxus' training should be banned if this country wanted to retain its sanity. It was utterly unadulterated torture!

"Oh Gray fairy, welcome back." A voice he knew so well greeted him and he emphatically wanted to bang that irritating smirk off that white pest's annoying face.

"Get away Lyon. I really want to sleep right now so don't fuck with me." He replied, pushing the other out of his way before entering.

Lyon got aside before the grouchy person could attack him like a cat high on cat nip. He loved his hair and won't want them to be pulled away like nobody's business.

"By the way, Ultear came by." Lyon informed the other casually. Gray was in the process of stripping his shirt away when the other uttered these dangerous words.

"WHAT!?" the raven head screeched.

"I wonder...what's with you and interrobangs? Seriously dude, you use them too often. I mean, it isn't even a forma-!"

"Shut up you idiot! Ultear coming here is an exceedingly BIG deal than me using those damn interrobangs! And what does it matter to you if I use them!?"

"See! You did just now!" Lyon loudly exclaimed, grinning as if he solved a really tough algebraic expression and fyi, that was something BIG. He didn't suck at maths but maths seemed not to accept him. See, he wasn't the one at fault and yet his teachers claim that he was maths' biggest enemy.

"Just STOP riding your infinitely long train of stupidly stupid thoughts you dick!" Gray yelled at him, bonking his head.

"How did you-!? You can read minds!?" Lyon cried out, shocked. Then after realizing what he said, he exclaimed, "I used a damn interrobang!"

"Not one, two." Gray provided.

"I used TWO fucking interrobangs!?"

"Another one."


"Now fou-! Aaaish! Stop steering away from the main topic you albino!" Gray scolded.

"My fault!? Oh wait...I used another interro-!"


All of a sudden, the door of their dorm was thrown open. In strode their third roommate, Jellal.

"What's with all this ruckus? I could hear you guys from the ground floor."

The tattooed man eyed the cousins suspiciously before noticing a certain someone's haggard state. Immediately, the mother hen mode took over. "Gosh Gray! Did you fell in a ditch or something? Did someone bully you again?" he asked, impossible thoughts whirling around his mind like a tropical cyclone.

"Shut. the. Hell. Up!" Gray snapped, ditching his shirt on the floor and walking inside his room like a fucking boss.

"B-but...what did I do to anger him?" Jellal voiced out to himself, looking at the albino who shook his head before heading to the kitchen. He needed to munch on something.

Just like that Ultear's visit was soon forgotten and the three retired for a peaceful sleep. peaceful as one can get with an antsy Gray, a food hunting hungry-like-a-pig Lyon and a Mother-hen-is Jellal who was still wondering what he did to anger the raven head.

Yes...a typical night at Fairy Tail High boy's dorm.

And in the middle of night one could hear a certain person's yells-



Sorry for the utter suffering from exam brain is practically dying...

Reviews are very well appreciated~!

Fyi, all the chappies of this are written...But I won't be able to update or reply to any reviews at least before 19th March (if I don't get access to net i.e.) please be patient and hope I will do well! 


Interrobang-ish Mascot [FairyTail] [NatRay or whatevs u wanna call it...]Where stories live. Discover now