chapter 11

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Jaehwan puts his hand on Guard Woohyun's chest. Hongbin looks at his act anxiously. Its true after all that Guard Woohyun is a traitor, but that's not mean that he will let Guard Woohyun die in this kind of condition.

Jaehwan closes his eyes, in order to be more focuses. In the same time, Youngji is stirring the potion in a medium size pot. With Jaehwan's help, they had done the potion to wake the people up; and their first is Madam Nam.

Both Hongbin and Youngji carefully help Madam Nam to drink the potion. It takes a few moments to Madam Nam to awake. She slowly opens her eyelids and a worried Youngji is in front of her.

"Prin..princess? What's happened?" Her voice sounds hoarse and weak. Hongbin helps her to sit. When she looks around, she is surprised with her son condition.

"Woohyun!" She quickly get down the bed and go to his son that is being treated by Jaehwan.

"Madam Nam! Please be calm! He is being treated...He will be fine.." Youngji hugs her comfortingly and tries to assured her that it will be fine although in reality, she doesn't even sure about that.

"What's happened, princess?" Tears just falling helplessly from Madam Nam's eyes.

"It such a long story, Madam Nam. But for now, we need to give this potion to everyone in this castle," Hongbin says.

After saying that Jaehwan will definitely help Guard Woohyun, they three start waking the people up.


When they three had head out, it only left Jaehwan and Guard Woohyun in the medicine's room. It such a tense treatment and he could says that most of his rib cage bones had broken.

When Jaehwan doing his works, he not only able to treat the pain, he could also get into his mind and even knows his memory.

(This is Jaehwan's POV)

I'm sorry for your  father's death.. it's all the Hyde's fault.. I don't really see the relevant of them making that kind of plant! 

You really loves Youngji, right? Thats why you tried to cover them.. and your intention to make a gap in your relationship with her, probably because you didn't want to have any deeper feeling... but,  Youngji is in love with Hongbin now, and so do Hongbin. I don't know if their love will happen or not, but I hope for the best.

Your mother really loves you.. take care of your mother while she is alive...

Jaehwan in a long deep thought while doing his works. Then, Guard Woohyun start to awake. Jaehwan is bandaging the cut on the arms after he done for the rib cage bone.

"Who..who are you..?" He slowly says.

"I'm your saviour obviously...." Jaehwan says teasingly.

"Haha..thank you.. where's Hongbin?" When looks around Hongbin is nowhere in his sight.

"You only worried about Hongbin huh?" Jaehwan replies as he bandaged Guard Woohyun's chest.

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