Chapter 1

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"Touma, meet me by the vending machines after class. -Misaka Mikoto" Read Touma from his overly outdated phone.

"*sigh, what does she want now." Touma sighed under his breath.

Then a certain blonde haired boy with sunglasses interrupted Touma's train of thought.

"Nya, Kami-yan, you're gonna be late for class. You don't want to make Komoe-sensei to cry again, right?" He said with a mischievous smile. "She'll probably say, 'Touma-kun, why are you always so late, you know that you can't continue through life this way. People will see you as a walking failure-'"

He was interrupted by Touma's fist smashing into his jaw.

"Shut up will you" Touma glared obviously annoyed.

After being lectured for 15 minutes straight in front of the whole class by Komoe sensei about life responsibilities for being late, Kamijou Touma was feeling pretty unfortunate.

"Such misfortune..."

Not only was Touma publicly humiliated, but he was also assigned more homework on top of the late homework that was already due. He accidently spilled some of his tea onto Fukiyose Seri and wet her uniform so it was see through and was called a pervert by all the girls in the class. He then got socked in the face by Fukiyose. Then he tripped down the stairs and hit his head a couple of times on the way down to the 1st floor of his school. After that, his locker wouldn't open and he couldn't get his own textbooks to finish the assignments given to him. It was one hell of day, but this came natural for Touma. Every day was like this for him due to his Imagine Breaker which not only has the ability to negate any supernatural attacks thrown at him either by a physical power (ESPER) or Magic, but it also squashed any blessings given to him by God. Meaning that, Kamijou Touma, had no good luck whatsoever.

He was more than half way to the vending machine that Mikoto had mentioned when he heard an extremely familiar voice shout "CHASER!".He already knew what that meant and began heading towards the location faster.

Meanwhile, on Mikoto's side

"I just have to tell him, just three words. Besides, he won't think too much about it right? But what if he rejects it... NO, I AM JUST GOING TO BE FIRM, AND HE IS GOING TO ACCEPT IT NO MATTER WHAT!" Shouted Misaka as she was continuously kicking the poor vending machine.

"Accept what?" said a voice coming directly from behind her.

She froze in her spot, she couldn't move. Her face quickly became red. She slowly turned her head towards Touma.

"Long time no see, biribiri."

"MY NAME IS NOT BIRIBIRI, IT IS MISAKA MIKOTO YOU IDIOT!" She screamed and she shot a huge a electrical arc at Touma. He nearly jumped at the size of the attack, but he simply put his right hand in front of it and negated it within less than a second.

"I thought I was going to die there for a second..." Touma whispered while still nervously sweating. "Anyways, what do you want from me, biribiri?"

"Tch, still gonna call me that, even after that... Geez this guy..." Mikoto thought to herself. "I... I wanted t-t-to tell you ss-s-s something."

"Hmm?" questioned Touma

Her face was now a bright shade of red. "I nn-nn-need yo-oou to kn-n-ow"

She was now stuttering so much, that it was almost impossible to understand what she was saying.

"Th-th-aa-a-at I-I-I... L-lllll-ll-l-lll-lllloovvvvvv-e-e-e-e-e- yyy-y-y-ou."

"Wha? You throb long yooop? What are you saying Misaka? I can't understand what you are saying." said Touma worryingly. "Oi, you're face is really red, and you're eyes are beginning to water up a little. Are you ok?"

"...T-t-t-t-t-tt-" uttered Misaka

She began wobbling on her two feet. She was having a hard time breathing and her vision started to get blurry and dark. She was experiencing a nervous breakdown, but she didn't realize it. She started to collapse, but a certain spiky haired boy caught her before she hit the ground.

"Oi, Misaka!" Yelled Touma "Waa, she's really burning up. Could it be a heat stroke? It is the middle of summer. I need to get her to a hospital."

to be continued

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