Some Challenge Thing I Should Probably Do

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Been awhile since I've posted like anything, though it's not like I had posted much to begin with. This is in response to Bre2k9, who tagged me in her most recent "challenge". Anyways, let's do this.

1. Who is your favorite Youtuber?
Game Grumps. Combining my two favorite things: gaming and conversational comedy.

2. If you have to see two colors backwards, what would you want them to be?
Blue and purple. Purple is my favorite color, but blue can be seen everywhere because it's so much more common, so if they were switched I could see my favorite color much more.

3. What is your favorite story of mine(Bre2k9) and why?
Either "Salvation" or "Only Human", even though that last one's on your other account. I like Salvation because I'm very much invested in the Tokyo Ghoul franchise and universe. A fanfiction of that deeply interests me. I like Only Human because of the potential I see in it. Heroes, villains, the cosmic forces of good an evil that we realize may not be as black and white according to heroes, or as skewed and blended as the villains, I love it all. Cartoony premise with a philosophical twist.

4. You can either stab my(Bre2k9) eye out, or cut off your middle finger. Which do you do?
Probably stab your eye out...painlessly. You don't need depth perception to write or type or teach, but I need my middle finger to express my emotions to passing cars as I'm being cut-off during rush hour traffic. Plus, I need my middle finger(s) to type and draw, so yeah.

5. What is one of your biggest writing pet peeves (that other people do that is)?
When people use the same prepositional phrase in a single sentence, paragraph, or even a chapter depending on the circumstance. There are many more ways to say "within her soulless, glassy eyes" than just that phrase. Just because you found a cool way to say something doesn't mean it looks good to use it all the time. Biggest pet peeve...

6. What is currently to your left?
My all-metal mechanical pencil, my Pilot G2 pen, my white eraser, and a small notepad.

7. How about your right?
My computer mouse, a physics book, and my PC tower. 

8. What is your opinion on flying chocolate monkeys?
I believe they have every bit of right to live in this country as any other chocolate covered avian/land mammal hybrid.

9. How did you find me?
Unsure exactly how. I believe I was bored and found you listed as one of the followers of Kurama91. Clicked on your profile(s), though at the time I thought your separate accounts were two separate people. I contacted both accounts with the similar approach of figuring out how you think and what not...I'm somewhat of a sociopath.

10. We're getting married tomorrow. What are your wedding vows to me? (This is going to be a very interesting question to see some people answer XD)
Well, I'm not one for intimacy or expression of sincerity. Let your yes be yes and your no be no, all that jazz. So, I suppose I'd vow to be myself around you, never lie, and never intentionally do anything to hurt you. And that's all that's needed. 

11. Heck. How did you propose to me? That's right. You're the one who did it.
Probably while we're out to dinner. It's a warm summer evening and the sun had already set. We're at a restaurant on a pier, with private outdoor seating overlooking the ocean. No one else is around, because I would absolutely hate to propose in a crowded area. After a good meal and conversation, I would nonchalantly pull out a silver-banded diamond ring, hold it up, wait a moment, then say the four magic words: "This was 8,000 dollars..."

12. Can you tell I'm really sleepy and not thinking straight?

-----Considering you actually tagged me for this, yes. You are not thinking clearly. Neither am I, but also you.

13. What song do you think describes me?
"Shatter Me" by Lzzy Hale. The beat may not be in your interest, but I think the lyrics describe you or how you think pretty well.

Welp, that's it. I won't be tagging anyone specifically in this because I just...don't tag people for that kind of stuff. If you're reading this, though, feel free to do this challenge yourself I guess. I'll post my questions below. 

My Questions (Explain why you answered what you did as well if you want):

1. What is your most natural response to listening to your favorite music?

2. What type of music do you listen to? If you don't listen to music then how is life with no hearing damage?

3. If you had to choose between saving either five people you hold dear to you, or five-hundred people you've never met, knowing the group you didn't choose would die, who would you save?

4. Are morals something that are a constant and should never change, or are they malleable and able to be changed depending on the era and circumstance?

5. Coffee or Tea?

6. Is a single human life any more valuable than another, regardless of circumstance?

7. Are you tired of philosophical questions and ethical dilemmas?

8. What is your favorite genre of books, movies, or any other medium of story-telling you think is worth mentioning?

9. Are you more empathetic or apathetic? Do the following exercise to find out. The results are written backward underneath the prompt:

-----With your index finger on your dominant hand, draw a capital "Q" on your forehead. That's all there is to it. It's not the most accurate of exercises.


10.  What is your favorite type of keys/keyboard to type on? When they say typing can be an experience, they aren't lying.

11. What is are your Myers Briggs personality test results? If you don't know what that is, go look it up and take a thorough test on it. Don't just look at the results of what you think might describe you and use that are you answer. How you see yourself, good or bad, is NOT who you are.

12. What is your number/result for the Enneagram test? It's another personality test thing. I find things like that interesting.

13. What is your approximated IQ? If you don't know, there are plenty of free tests. If you don't want to answer, that's okay. Unless a test is proctored, it isn't accurate, remember that.

Okay, we're all done here. Have a good one.


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