Chapter 25: Knaus Berry Farm in Miami with Laura Marano

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(KurtDestin's POV)

I woke up in my bed and looked around. Souvenirs from Wild Adventures were on my desk and I smiled.

'I need to get up... My concert is tonight...'

I hurried on getting dressed and when I had finished, I went outside and into the dining lounge for breakfast. I sat down at the table with Riley and Miranda chatting away.

"Come on, Riley, you know that the only reason the newer Fantastic 4 was bad is because they tried to reinvent the story itself. I think they should've been included in Captain America: Civil War."

"No, they ruined one movie, don't let them ruin ano- Oh, hey KurtDestin!" Riley smiled.

"Sorry, back in Europe, we'd have a debate every morning. It's like a reflex now."

"What did you guys order for breakfast? The menu on this place is pretty large for a tour jet."

"Croissants with bacon, ham, and cheese. Along with a fresh fruit bowl and a cup of OJ."

"Wow, that's... specific. I'll go tell them what I'm getting."

"What'll that be?" Riley asked.

"A bacon, egg, and cheese baguette with strawberries and an OJ also."

"Cool. See you in a few." Miranda smiled and I told the chef what I wanted.

He nodded and I sat back down.

"So how was Europe? I didn't really get to ask since we went on a vacation, and with graduation too."

"It was great! We met cute guys, tried great food, took tours of famous viewing sites... I was living my dream, to visit the world... But now I'm here, with you, seeing the world with my best friends. What more could I ask for? I'm living the life!" Miranda smiled.


"I know, we've had such a lucky life so far... It's amazing!" I smiled.

The chef quickly walked up and set our food on the table.

"Oh this looks good! Let's eat!" Riley smiled.


We were hanging out at our hotel and I was sitting with Hannah and Bailey in the lobby.

"But yeah, you should definitely have as much fun as possible on this your, you may not have another one this big!" Hannah smiled.

"Fine. I'll ask Siri where we should all go. Siri, what is a good attraction in Miami, Florida?"

"Let's see... Knaus Berry Farm is 33.9 miles from EPIC Hotel."

"What is at Knaus Berry Farm?"

"Knaus Berry Farm is known for personal strawberry picking and their cinnamon rolls."

"Well, what do you think, KDes?" Bailey smiled.

"Let's go to Knaus Berry Farm!" I smirked.


We finally arrived at the Knaus Berry Farm and unloaded everyone.

"Okay, guys. Let's eat!" Phoebe smiled and we walked in.

"I'll order, guys." I said and the others say outside.

"Here are your cinnamon rolls and your Diet Coke, Miss Marano."

"Thank you, I love a good Diet Coke." She smiled and faced me "Oh my god."

"Oh my god." I muttered "Your Laura Marano!"

"Your KDes! I'm a big fan of your music."

"S-same. Why are you down here in Miami?" I asked and ordered our food.

"Well, my old show Austin & Ally was canceled and I missed it. So instead of watching old reruns, I actually came down here to Miami! I asked Siri where to go and she recommended this place, and here I am! You?"

"I have a concert tonight... By any chance, would you like to sing your new hit Boombox with me at my concert? If your busy, I co-"

"Sure! Who's your manager?"

"She's outside."

"Um, Sir. Your food is ready- Oh, hello, Mr. KDes! How many celebrities are coming here?"

"Who knows?" I laughed.

Laura and I stepped outside and I introduced her "Hey everyone,you may not know her, but this is my new friend-"

"Laura Marano! I'm a big fan of your song, Boombox."

"Yes of course and I am a big fan of your hit TV show, Austin and Ally on Disney Channel. I love Disney Channel!" Allison smirked.

"Um... Thanks. I appreciate it. Now which one is Phoebe?" I asked.

"I am." Phoebe stood up "How are you, Miss Marano?"

"I'm doing good. So do you know my manager?"

"Of course. We are good friends."

"Great! Tell him to get my fans to this concert, KDes and I are singing a duet version of my hit Boombox."

"Good move. I'll set it up. This concert is going to be big." Phoebe smiled.

We sat down and began eating our cinnamon rolls, prepared for what would come tonight.


I finished the last lyric of Pillowtalk by Zayn and I smiled "Okay, everyone. My last song is one that I'll be singing with my new friend, Laura Marano. So turn up your boombox and let's hit it!"

"Press play on the day that you came into my life, yeah
Felt our eyes harmonize
It was strange, it was paradise, oh!" Laura smiled.

"Cause when I look back on it, life lacked the Sonic
A quiet kind of solitude
Tell me how'd you do it, you added the music
I've never heard a song like you!" I said and we sang the rest of the song, harmonizing along the way.

A/N: Hey guys! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Next, the gang is going to Birmingham, Alabama where some new choices will be made. And are you a fan of Laura Marano? Comment your thoughts below! Thanks!

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