Chapter 12: A Past Love in Seattle

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(KurtDestin's POV)

I drove quickly and as I drove, Phoebe called me.

"Hey KDes. Meet me at the airport and you know which one I'm talking about, right?"

"Yes, Phoebe. So where are we going?" I asked.

"You have a concert tomorrow in Seattle so we need to go. By the way, instead of buying a tour bus, we will be staying and traveling in a jet and I thought you might want to name it so that the fans won't know what it is."

"Sounds good. Let's call the jet The Flame." I said hopefully.

"Perfect. See you at your house in 10."

She hung up and I pulled into my driveway to see Cassidy's car in Gabriella's spot. I got out and when I looked inside of the car, I saw Cassidy asleep inside.

I knocked and when she woke up, she opened the door and said "KurtDestin! I'm sorry, I was hoping you would come home last night so I stayed here. So what's up? Where are the others?"

"Look, just go in one of the girls rooms and pack some clothes that fit and look good, we're leaving for my tour." I said hurrying into the house.

"Ok, but could Misty and Daniella come too?"

"I don't see why not. The jet has twelve beds and six rooms. If you, Misty, and Daniella all stay in one room, then you have yourself a deal." I said now grabbing my bag.

"Okay. I just texted Misty, she is packing and she will meet us at the airport."

Then a few minutes later, Cassidy and I were packed and then Phoebe entered the house.

"Hey KurtDestin. Is she the only person your taking?" Phoebe asked surprisingly.

"Misty and her baby's are coming too. But yes, that's it."

"Pack Miranda, Riley, and Gabriella a bag too. They will join soon, I have a feeling. By the way, I lied to you. There are actually sixteen beds and eight rooms. But your new band is taking two of the rooms.

Ty is your drummer. He has a pretty rough past, but if you get to know him, he has a good heart. He has brunette hair to his shoulders and brown eyes. He is also nineteen years old.

Candice is your bass player. She was a cello player when she was young, but started playing bass for a cover band when she was in high school. She has dirty blonde hair with pink highlights and has green eyes. She is 18 years old.

Xavier is your guitarist. He is an average guy, had a decent GPA, and played guitar in his spare time. He has brown eyes and has brunette hair. He is twenty three

Wes is one of your two backup singers. He has been in quite a few music videos and has a good feeling about this band. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. He is seventeen.

And last but not least, there's Malia. She is your other backup singer. She has a YouTube channel that has quite a few neat covers on it and I think you'll be impressed with her. She has brunette hair and brown eyes. She is eighteen.

Any questions?" She asked smirking.

"You said that there are five band members and they are only using four beds?" Cassidy asked.

"Candice is sleeping in my room. So that cuts out three of your rooms so now you have four rooms and eight beds for the rest of your friends. Now get those bags!" Phoebe yelled.

About ten minutes later, we all got I our cars and drove to the airport.

When we got there, we parked while we began to walk to the jet, Gabriella, Miranda, and Riley blocked us off and Gabriella said "You thought you could get rid of us that easily? Do you not remember that when we were on One Direction's tour bus, when I pretty much jumped off?"

"Yeah. Right after I got over my hangover from last night, I laid down and then Riley and Brie made me get up. I drank a lot of coffee and now I'm having a coffee hangover, but that won't stop me from staying with you guys!"

"I just came for the packaged peanuts." Riley said and we all laughed and together, we got on the jet and as we got on, Misty ran with three bags strapped to her back and we were all on the jet.

It took off and we all sat in the jet's comfort quarters until we got to the airport in Seattle. We all got off and had a man take us all in a fancy limo to bring us to the red carpet for my concert. We changed about and hour before we got here and are all excited.

Misty is wearing a burgundy dress that ends mid thigh and dark flats to match along with diamond studs.

Gabriella is wearing a white dress with white stilettos and a pearl necklace and earrings.

Cassidy is wearing a red dress that flows down to her ankles and is wearing red pumps and a ruby necklace with matching earrings.

Riley is wearing a red dress with red lace and red heels to match along with a silver bracelet.

Miranda is wearing a short red dress with red stilettos and golden jewelry.

I was wearing a red t-shirt that says "KDes and the KDesters!" with blue jeans and some Nikes.

As soon as the limo stopped, we all got in line for the red carpet and a speaker said "NEXT IS SAM HUNT!"

"Oh my god! It's actually Sam Hunt!" Misty exclaimed. "He is my favorite country singer. In my hometown, he is the big deal."


We walked out and Cassidy was carrying little Daniella.

"KurtDestin! KurtDestin! Is that your child?!" A reporter asked.

"Oh my god! He had a child?! I'm so tweeting this!" A fan screamed.

"No, but this baby does have singer's blood in her." I said posing with them for the cameras.

So next, I walked up to a cute girl by the red carpet and she said "KDes, will you take a selfie with me?"

"Sure. I'll take it." I said taking the iPhone and snapping the picture.

I handed the phone back to her and then she squealed. So I went back to the girls to take one final pose and then we walked off.


They walked out and all posed together. Then after a few minutes of answering questions, we walked inside and saw the band, but something was wrong, Malia wasn't there.

"Hey guys, where's Malia?" I asked.

"She isn't going on for a while. She went out for a coffee run and got in an accident. She will be out for the next month most likely."

"This is awful. Now who will ta- I have an idea." I said smirking.

Then I heard a familiar voice say "Hey KDes, guess who?" and I turned around in shock.

World Tour (1D Fanfic)(Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora