She snuggled closer to him so that she was facing sideways with her leg draped on his and her arm wrapped around his chest. "You don't have to tell me if you're not ready to talk about it. Just know that I'll always be here for you."

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked, kissing my forehead. He let out another shaky breath. "I guess I'm scared that you'll leave me like my dad did. It doesn't help that it was out of the blue. There was no warning or clues. He'd leave for work in the early morning and come back around five in the afternoon to pick me up from the ice rink after hockey practice. It was in eighth grade when he left. He wasn't any different that day. He kissed my mother goodbye like always and gave me a quick hug before he was off to work. My mom had picked me up from hockey practice crying that day and had waited until we got home before she told me that my dad had called her."

Evan's breathing quickened. "All he did was say that he wasn't coming home and that he loved us. There was no explanation or reason. And you know the only thing I could do for my mom was work around the house while she tried to find a better job. Every night I'd hear her cry and now she's not there at all. I know she works for us but I was always alone at home and then you came along and you somehow fixed everything and I regret all the horrible things I've done to you. God, I don't deserve you."

"You deserve the world, Evan. I love you and nothing will change that. You're not alone," she whispered, trying not to cry. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Evan had gone home earlier yesterday since his mother was home again, leaving Evanee with too much time on her hand which had ended up in binge watching Free! on gogoanime. Did she go to sleep at five in the morning and wake up at nine?

Yes, but anime was worth every second of death she felt trudging through her home. Since Saturday was her off day and she had spent her last Saturday with Evanee in LA, Gemma had gone out for the day with Drew and she deserved it. Evanee was happy that Gemma was finally taking focus on something other than work or her niece.

So with only four hours of sleep and coffee for breakfast, Evanee was sprawled comfortably on her couch staring at the TV watching a bunch shirtless anime dudes swim. Life was good for three hours.

Until the doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" Evanee asked since she was much too lazy to get up and walk a few feet to the front door.

"It's Evan."

Even though her hair was in one of the messiest buns she had ever made, that she was only wearing underwear and one of Evan's old tee shirts, and there were serious bags under her eyes, she didn't really care.

Not bothering to get up, Evanee shouted, "the key is under the flower pot on the window sill!"

Her eyes never left the screen when Evan had come in and sat beside her.

"You look like shit."

"You're such a kind boyfriend," she said sarcastically before playfully kicking him off the couch. "Did you need something? Cause I'm in the middle of some very important business right now."

"You're literally just sitting down and watching a bunch of fictional characters doing an actual sport and I came over to ask if you wanted to go out for lunch with my mom and I in this really cool place in Hollywood?"

The green eyed girl spit out the nonexistent drink in her mouth and stared at Evan with wide eyes. She then noticed that he was a bit dressed up.

His mom wasn't home as much but when she was, Evan didn't usually bother her since she was tired after her trips.

So Evanee hadn't exactly met Evan's mother before and the thought had never occurred to her.

"And you tell me now!" Evanee shouted, waving her hands in the air. "I look like complete shit right now!"

She didn't even give him a chance to respond as she ran up the stairs, with Evan following behind her.

Knowing where the towels were, Evan grabbed two and tossed it into the bathroom without looking while Evanee was undressing behind the bathroom door.

"I'll pick your clothes out!" Evan shouted as he looked through Evanee's closet, picking out a burgundy skater skirt, black wedges, and a black tee shirt with little bunnies on them.

After he set them on the bed, he picked out a matching set of plain black underwear and bra.

"Not to stress you out or anything but we were planning on leaving in fifteen minutes."

"Fuck you," he heard through the bathroom door, making him laugh as he checked his Twitter.

Three minutes later, Evanee rushed out the door with her hair wrapped in a towel and the rest of her body covered. After being told twice, Evan left the room so Evanee could change. Once changed, she blow dried her hair as fast as she could and applied eyeliner and burgundy colored lipstick to match her skirt.

With her phone and wallet in her hands, she ran down the stairs in wedges and pulled Evan out the door and across the street to meet his mom.

The door had opened after Evan knocked and Evanee couldn't help but step closer to Evan.

"You must be Evangeline."


I'm honestly so sorry about the lack of updates and crappy writing. School is meh.

I finished my other series (Dysphoria and Stockholm syndrome) so I'm planning on making a new fanfiction. Vote and comment which one you want


And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)

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