Chapter 5

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"Wake up! Wake up!" A high pitched squeal sounded in my ear that scared me so much I fell out of the small twin sized bed, hitting my sprained ankle in the process. "Ow!" I rubbed the sore spot and saw Maggie smiling down at me and Lucas standing there with my pair of crutches they had let me borrow. He helped me up and down the stairs where I started to smell the strong scent of sausage, bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

I noticed I was still wearing the pajamas their mother had let me wear and felt slightly embarrassed. Luke noticed my discomfort but laughed lightly. "Mags runs around all day in her Elsa onesie. I'm pretty sure you'll be safe in a pair of shorts and t-shirt."

We sat down at the table and I said good morning to everyone, except their father who seemed to be absent at the moment. Just as I thought this, he came waltzing in with a newspaper in hand. He looked like he was dressed for any other work day in a suit, tie, and freshly polished shoes. He kissed Ms. Anderson a good morning and seemed to acknowledge everyone besides Carson.

I didn't want to keep staring but I think I saw Carson's jaw clench. Families had their issues. I cleared my dry throat, "This breakfast is amazing Ms. Anderson." It got eerily quiet and everyone stared at me like I had three heads.

"Actually, my last name is Winston but you can call me Cheryl." She gave me a tight smile and I hope I didn't offend her in any way. Wait, why did Lucas and Carson have a different last name then their mother? Maybe she had taken her maiden name?

She changed the topic quickly and looked to the boys. "What are you two doing today?" She added a pancake to the pile and turned back to the kitchen, pouring more batter onto the sizzling griddle. "I'm going to Austin's today to work on a project." Luke said and I saw the tips of his ears turn pink.

"Austin Swanson? Since when did you have a class with him?" I questioned and he shot me a glare. "We have French together." He snapped and I crouched in my seat. I felt like I was saying all the wrong things this morning. His mother gave him a gentle smile while their father scoffed, "Isn't Austin that fag who lives around the block?" I stared at Mr. Anderson in disbelief. Didn't they know their son is gay?

"He isn't a fag. He's gay like...other people I know and he's a good kid." Luke defended and that's when I pieced it all together. Lucas and Austin?! They were a thing! That's what Carson had meant when he said Kara couldn't pretend forever. "I just hope you two never become anything like that boy." Their father said but this time I spoke, "No offense sir, but what's so wrong with being gay? Love is love. It doesn't matter if you like the same gender or not." I commented and although it came out rudely, I didn't care. This man was out of line. "Are you one of them or something?" I wanted to laugh. One of them? Did he think they were part of some different species?

"So what if I am?" I challenged him and noticed the boys letting a smirk come to the corner of their mouths. They knew for a fact I only liked boys because of how I ranted about them since the day we became friends.

Their father was at a loss for words and angrily stood up, leaving the kitchen. I automatically felt guilty. "I'm sorry Ms. And-Cheryl. I didn't mean any disrespect." I looked to Luke, "But what he said was unfair." Instead of kicking me out of the house like I expected, she gave a nod in agreement. "You did the right thing." She told me with a smile gracing her lips.

We were walking down the pier, of course I was on crutches, when it happened. Carson and I had passed a small boutique filled with tiny jewels and beautiful art pieces. A particular one caught my eye and I was immediately drawn to it. "How much?" I asked the elderly clerk.

"About 1,200. Want to try it on?" My shoulders slumped. I couldn't afford a pack of gum. What made me think I could buy a beautiful ring? I politely declined and hobbled away. Carson stopped me and looked at the ring. "It's really pretty." He said and for a moment I thought he was looking at me but realized the ring was behind me. "Yeah. Too much money though. It's a shame." Carson looked back at it quickly before running up to me again.

"It seemed to have caught your eye pretty quick." He almost sounded nervous but I ignored that thought. "Yeah, it looks just like the one my mother had. My father bought it for her when she was nineteen and he was twenty. She told me that's when she knew Dad and her were meant to be." I had a genuine smile come across my face thinking of the memory. "I remember going with my father and helping pick out the ring. My mother had me young so I was about three then." I looked around nervously willing myself not to go into the bad memories. They were too painful.

"What about your parents? How did a mom like yours meet your father?" I questioned and Carson didn't answer for a bit. I turned to see if he was still there and he was but seemed to be in a different world. "Car-" "Robert isn't my father." His tone was cold and for a moment I was confused. He looked at me before explaining. "My mother had Lucas and I when she was thirty. Our father's name is Mitchell Anderson. He was a drunk. Came home smashing things every night." He paused and I reached for his hand, encasing it in mine. I wanted to let him know I was here for him.

"One day he didn't come home. He's in uh jail now. Charged with multiple DWI's and third degree murder. My mom obviously moved on. They were never legally married. I don't think she ever really loved him anyway. She found Robert. She became the new Mrs. Cheryl Winston. I hated her for so long. Then I realized I needed to be there for my family. I was a new big brother after all. Maggie's not-"

"I know." I told him. "We talked about that." I gave his hand another reassuring squeeze. He tried to smile but it looked so forced. You'd think he was in pain. "Enough of the sad stuff." He said with a new happy tone.

"Have you ever been to Randall's Cafe on 21st Street?" I shook my head no and he was stunned. "Well I need to fix that." He then ran as fast as he could while I raced on the crutches, hoping I wouldn't fall.
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