Chapter Twenty-Nine

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“Pst. Austin.” Groaning, I turned over in my bunk and fold the pillow over my ears. “Austin….” I kicked the sheets and turned face forward.

“Shut up Alan.”

“Austin!” I turned over and fell out the bunk, landing with a thud to the ground from my top bunk. My phone fell a few seconds later, hitting me on the head. I picked it up, seeing a call was on.


“Bout time you woke up.”

“Ellie? What are you…..” I pulled my ear away from the phone. The screen lit up and showed the time for the call. Eight hours.

This is gonna be one hell of a phone bill.

“Well silly, you fell asleep on the phone. Well, I fell asleep firs then you and uh………hey?” aw! She’s stuttering.

“Hey, while I have you. There’s a bonfire later on today after we check into the hotel.”


“Yup.” I say while popping the “p”. “Since we leave tomorrow, we’ll stay at the hotel and leave at night.”

“So is today performance day or an off day?”

“Off day! Now Shhhh! I’m trying to talk!” I heard her giggle and the fluttery feeling in my stomach returned. It’s been two years fluttery feelings! Where have ya been? “Anyway, after we check in the hotel, me and the guys, along with Kellin and his crew, Oliver and the guys, probably Beau, I don’t know. Your brother and Kyle, We Are In the Crowd and Blood On the Dance Floor. Oh! And Vic and the guys It’s supposed to be fun. Probably beer pong though. Then afterwards, we’re going to a club a few blocks away from the hotel.”

“Sounds cool.”

“So, I wanted to know if you were coming.”

“Sure! But that’s a lot of people.”

“Yeah, some are leaving early, some are just staying to perform in that town.” I can see her mouth making an “o” shape. “I also wanted to know if you wanted to get some lunch…..uhm, with me. I mean it’s okay if you don’t I understand.”

“Of course silly. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

“Wait!” I heard s familiar voice in the background. Shayley? “Are you listening to The Flood?”

“Oh, uh yeah. I’ll explain during lunch. Now let me change or I won’t make it!”

“Okay! Bye Ellie.”

“Bye Austin.” 


His voice worried me. The way he said bye reminded me of those two years ago when he broke up with me. I shook my head of the thought and went to go get change. Nervously I walked back to the bunks and found Miley scrolling through her phone. I know she’s still mad at me, but she should at least know her boyfriend’s here.

“Hey Miley?”

“What Ellie?” she snapped. I tried not to throw my anger at her, knowing it would only make the problem even worse than it is.

“There’s a bonfire today and then we’re heading to a club and I wanted to let you know that Oliver and the guys are here and are coming tonight.” I grabbed some clothes and went to change. I switch bras and settled for a hot pink sports bra. Perfect for the shirt I’m wearing. I slipped on a purple tank top that was ripped on the sides all the way down to my hips. I slipped on some black ripped pants and my pair of Warped Vans. I walked in my bunk and grabbed 5o dollars and my skeleton head phones. I put my music on shuffled and walked out the bus and searched for the black tour bus with the green Monster Energy claw marks and the giant Of Mie & Men sign painted on the front and sign. A song that I loved dearly began to play and I drowned myself in Danny’s screaming in Dear Insanity. Man do I want to meet Asking Alexandria. It took five minutes, but I found the black tour bus. By then, a new song had popped up.

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