“Vic, wake up,” I shook his shoulder lightly. “We have a show soon.” He moaned and looked up at me, his eyes half shut. They were still red. “Hi, babe,” he smiled, obviously still asleep. I just laughed and kissed his nose as I crawled over him to shower and do my hair. I noticed it stung when I lathered my hair. Must be from Kellin. When I came out ready to go, Vic was gone. Hmm. Okay, well he’s probably already practicing. As I walked past the bunks, sure enough, a blood stain on my pillow. I ignored it as I grabbed my wallet and phone before locking the bus.

 I walked into the venue, throwing up my hood and putting on sunglasses even thought it was already 7:30. I couldn’t be tackled now, I’m already late. Normally I’d make the time for my fans, but I’m also worried about Vic.

            I entered our dressing room. There was Kellin and Vic. What now? I saw Kellin hardly glance at me in the corner of his vision before grabbing Vic aggressively, locking lips and tangling his fingers through his hair. Ow, my chest…I felt so overall sick. Vic immediately pushed Kellin away and slapped him across the face. I watched as he ran to his phone and started calling someone.

            “Security!” he yelled frantically before his panicked expression melted into a sorry one as he saw me. “Jaime, I swear, he kissed me! P-Please, you gotta believe me!” he started crying. Just as he was about to fall to his knees, I caught him in my arms as I gently let him down to the ground while security was taking Kellin away.

            “I know Vic, I know baby. I saw everything,” I whispered in his ear as he cried into his cupped hands. He instantly looked up.

            “Did you just call m-me baby?” he hiccupped.

            “I guess I did,” I scratched my head awkwardly. It was supposed to be a calming gesture, not an alarming one. But with that, he threw his arms around me, drying his tears on my shirt. He then stumped to his feet and offered a hand to help me up. “Let’s go get ‘em babe,” I couldn’t stop the stupid grin on my face as I wiped his tears away with my thumb. I got a small chuckle out of the cute boy before throwing our arms around each other’s shoulders and heading toward the stage.



            “Thank you and goodnight!” I yelled to the crowd. They shrieked back as the band ran off stage. What a great show! I felt so pumped. I handed my guitar off to the guitar tec and panted for a minute before feeling a strong hand pat my back.

            “Good show, Vic,” Jaime smirked, panting as well. I smiled and rubbed noses with him. It was cheesy but he obviously thought it was cute by the shade of red his on his face. After my attention left him, I could see Kellin leaning against the wall in the back corner, glaring. What is he still doing here? My curiousity was broken when Jaime stood in front of my gaze.

            “So hey, I was thinking me and you could go to dinner, just the two of us,” he smiled, obviously trying to hide how much of a nervous wreck he is. Jaime doesn’t normally put himself out there romantically; not as far as I know. But I thought it was so cute. I smiled back and nodded, kissing his cheek. Yeah, I was aware Kellin was watching. I wanted him to. Jaime grinned and headed back to the dressing room. My gaze was fixed back on Kellin as my smile quickly changed to a frown. Ugh.

            “Vic. What a downgrade.” He smirked.

            “What do you want? Why are you stalking me?” my voice sounded louder and louder as people were packing up merch and equipment and leaving. Kellin laughed. Laughed? What mind games is he playing now? All I knew is I wanted to slap that smug look off of his face.

            “I’m not stalking you, but simply observing, Viccy.” He smirked and walked closer to me, cornering me against the wall. I didn’t want to act unnecessarily, so I stood.

            “And I couldn’t help but notice you have a new play toy.” He leaned in closer, grinning bigger. I myself against the wall, blocked from getting away.

            “He’s not a t-toy,” I stuttered, extremely uncomfortable. “He’s my boyfriend.” I smirked back as his smile quickly turned upside down. He freed one of the hands around me and wrapped his large hand around my neck.

            “Now, listen,” he whispered angrily. “I’m real sick of these love games you’re playing. I know you want me back. And even if you don’t,” he started to grin again, reaching in his pocket. Slightly distracted by the lack of air and my throat closing up, I saw a small needle enter my line of vision. “You’ll always be mine in the end.”

            I flinched as a felt a small pinch in my arm. Before I could lift my other arm to stop him, the lack of oxygen sent me into a state of shock as I fell to the floor. “Come on, Viccy,” I could still hear him. And I could still see everything. But he paralyzed me. He slung me over his shoulders. “Let’s have fun, like old times.”

What If I'm the Secret? (Fuenciado)Where stories live. Discover now