Chapter 41 - Talia

Start from the beginning

"Look over there!"

Charlie pointed to a dark lump in the water deliberately making its way closer to them. Talia held onto Carter a little tighter and scooted away from the edge of the boat. She had never been a fan of the crocodiles living behind their house, but she'd accepted their presence in her new life. They were interesting to watch from a distance, but she made sure never to get too close. When Carter was with her, she took extra precautions.

"Amazing," Jackson whispered underneath his breath. He unzipped the black bag draped across his chest and removed the camera. Moving closer toward the slow-moving reptile, he lifted the camera to his eye and adjusted the lens. He took a few pictures then re-positioned himself. The crocodile raised its head from the water and opened its mouth, revealing two rows of sharp teeth. It snapped its mouth shut, its teeth interlocking over gray-green lips.

Jackson stared at the beast in awe for a moment before raising the camera once more. Suddenly, he looked at the small piece of equipment and his face fell in dismay. "No, no. Not now." His fingers quickly rifled through the leather case.

Talia's eyebrows pinched together. "Is everything alright?"

"Shoot. No. My extra battery pack's not in here." Jackson looked off to the side as if in deep thought. "I must have forgotten to put in back when I cleaned out my bag." He glanced down at the crocodile and let out a sigh. "This is such a great shot here, with the crocodile up this close. I need to get these pictures in to my editor before she has a fit. She was actually hoping to have them a couple days ago. Guess I'll need to go on a boat tour after all. Hope they work with me when I see a picture I'd like to take." Reluctantly, he placed the camera back into the case and zipped it up.

"I'll take you out again," Charlie offered. "It actually looks like rain anyway. We should probably head back. These crocs come up to the boat most every time we're out here. They're used to us." Charlie glanced into the sky at the gray clouds rolling in, the wind nuzzling brown waves of hair across his forehead. "How about we try this again tomorrow after I get back from visiting my mother? If everything's okay there I'll take you out in the afternoon."

"That would be great, Charlie. Thank you." Jackson looked at Talia. "Do you ever take the boat out on your own?"

Talia nodded. "Sometimes." She thought for a moment. If Charlie would agree to take Carter to the hospital with him she could just take Jackson out on her own, that way Charlie could stay with Enid. She knew deep down he wouldn't want to leave his mother a second day in a row. He liked to be with her as much as possible, but sometimes he needed to come home and shower and visiting with his daughter. She turned to Charlie. "If I can drop Carter off with you tomorrow, I'll take Jackson out. Besides," she added, glancing down at the baby. "She needs to see her grandmother."

Charlie stiffened. "You know I don't like to have Carter there. She's too young, it might scare her."

"Charlie," Talia began softly. "It'll scare Carter more if she never gets to see her." She kissed the top of Carter's head, her blonde curls tickling her chin. "Maybe Enid will sense her there. You know what the doctors said: talk to her as if she can hear. Having her granddaughter there might be just what she needs. I'll pick her up as soon as we're finished."

Charlie silently stared ahead.

"What do you say, Charlie?" Jackson asked. "I won't keep Talia out long, and I hate the thought of taking you away from your mother. If something were to happen to her and you weren't there..." His voice trailed off. "Well, I just don't want to be responsible for that."

"You're certain you're okay with this?" Charlie asked Talia, looking uncertain.

Talia gave him as reassuring a smile as she could. "Of course I'm certain. I promise, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't. I've taken this boat out plenty of times, it's the kayak I don't like. Jackson can get his pictures and you stay with Enid. As soon as I'm done, I'll join you."

Charlie maneuvered the boat around a small island just as a raindrop landed on Talia's cheek. The expression on her husband's face was still hesitant, but she knew he would cave. This plan would work out great. Once she dropped Carter off at the hospital she could pick up a pregnancy test and solve the mystery of her missing period once and for all. When she met up with Charlie after the boat ride maybe she'd have some news to share.

"Alright," Charlie finally said. "As long as you're okay with it."

"I'll be fine. Stop worrying." Talia looked at Jackson. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Jackson smiled.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Hello and thank you for reading Secrets and Lies! If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote/comment. Next update is Tuesday! :)

Jackson's plans for getting Talia seem Pretty obvious. I'm not so sure she'll be safe if she's with him!

I have good news for those of you who didn't get to read Strawberry Wine before it was pulled from Wattpad. I've been invited to repost the original version! I'm adding the chapters back every other day until the entire manuscript is available to read. Then January 31st 2017, the much longer, revised version will be available in book stores everywhere! Head on over to my profile and start reading today! And sign up for my email list to be eligible for book giveaways and exclusive content!

Have a wonderful day, Darly

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