Cousins & Cows

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When I awoke, it wasn't of my own accord. It was still dark, no light coming in from the window. I wasn't even sure why I was awake until I felt movement above me, a soft, masculine grunt causing my eyes to snap open faster than when I'd heard my father's voice calling for me.

I stirred, feeling rough hands pinning my shoulders down onto the bed, a soft, masculine grunt coming from the offender. A yelp escaped my lips, alerting him to my now conscious state; a pair of mud brown eyes flashed up to mine, almost too dark to see in the little light. They swirled with lust and annoyance as I felt his hand clamp over my mouth, his jaw flexing.

"Shut up," He snapped, pinning my legs between his as he struggled to unbuckle his belt with one hand, the other over my face. "You want to stay here, you're going to have to pay for your entry."

Adrenaline shot through my veins as I began to struggle, flailing my arms blindly, bucking my hips to in an attempt to throw him off. One of my hands hit him in the face and he cursed, letting me go and momentarily putting him off long enough for me to wiggle out from underneath him.

I scrambled to my feet unsteadily, making a dash for the hatch that opened into the floor below.

"Fucking bitch," His hand shot out and grasped my ankle, yanking my feet out from underneath me. I tipped forward with a loud thud, a metallic taste filling my mouth as I bit down hard on my tongue upon impact.

He quickly remounted me, his grubby fingers pulling at the back of the pants that Sage had given me. I cringed at the feel of his dirty, rough skin against mine, wiggling my hips to make it as difficult for him as possible.

My heart pounded against my ribs as he drew my wrists in one of his hands and pinned them above my head, his weight uncomfortable above me.

"Sage!" I yelped, kicking my feet against the floor. Maybe it was thin enough that she would be able to hear me wherever she was. "Sage!"

"Shut the hell up!" His voice held barely concealed rage as I felt a hard slap in the back of my head, causing my next shout to end in a cry of pain. To my absolute horror and disgust, I could feel a small bulge rubbing against my bottom.

Somewhere in the house, I heard Cooper begin to bark, the sound growing closer.

Cursing, he began to fumble with his jeans just as the hatch was pulled open, Sage's head poking up, followed by the rest of her body as she entered the attic at a rapid pace. He stumbled off of me just as she all but threw herself over me to tackle him to the ground, both of them landing in a tangle of limbs and cuss words.

She quickly gained the upper hand, allowing her fist to connect with his jaw as she straddled him, his head snapping to the side from the force. He would definitely be feeling that in the morning.

"What the hell's wrong with you, she's a kid!" Her voice bordered on a yell, and I could tell that she was just barely restraining herself.

He glared up at her. "Hey, I told you not to let her stay. She came on to me."

I, having momentarily recovered from a panic attack, managed to flip onto my back and sit up. "It's not my fault! I was literally just sleeping and I wake up to this ass trying to rape me!"

In a single swift movement, she swung herself off of him, grasping his shirt to yank him up. Giving him a harsh shove, he stumbled towards the hatch.

"Get the hell out of here, I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day. Don't let me catch you up here again," She warned, and he rolled his eyes, descending the ladder. She then glanced in my direction before crouching in front of me, her expression softening.

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