Slightly Real Nightmare

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"Hey, to get that off our minds, how about we play the Xbox?" I asked

"Okay!" Jake said.

We played minecraft for about half the day, when we got a phone call.

Alex was calling us.

"Hey" Jake said

"Hey, Gaga's on the news, they're saying she's pregnant, is it true?" Alex asked.

"Ali, what should I say?" Jake whispered

"Tell Alex it's true!" I whispered

"Okay" Jake said "Alex, it's true" 

"OH MY GAWD! IT IS?" Alex asked

"Yes!" Jake said

"WOW!" Alex screams

"I know right!" Jake said

After Alex screams a lot, she said how she needed to go. So, Jake and her hung up.

"Let's keep playing" Jake said

We played for 15 more minutes, then heard a knock at the door.

I answered it, sure enough, it was Alex.

"Hey!" She said

"Hi!" I said

"It is true?" Alex asked

"It is!" I said

"Where's gaga?" She asked

"She's in bed..." I said

"Why?" She asked

"She felt like she was going to faint" I said

"Oh...." Alex said, looking at the ground. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah" I said

She comes in.

"Oh yeah, how are you doing with YouTube?" Alex asked

"Pretty good." I said

"I saw the videos you just uploaded!" Alex burst out laughing.

"You did?" I laughed

"Yes!" Alex laughed "Oh, and I got a question" 

"Okay, ask it!" I said

"You wanna see how animals eat their food?" She asked, with a straight face.

"Yes!" I laughed

Alex laughed

We walked in my room and saw Jake playing Minecraft.

"Oh, hey guys!" He said

We said hi.

Taylor walked in the room, and asked:

"Why does everyone know about me showing Gaga how animals eat?" 

"No clue" Jake said

"I still have no clue" I said

"Me either" Alex said

"Okay" Taylor said, walking away.

Alex stayed for a few minutes, when she had to go home.

It was really late, so Jake and I went to bed.

I had a nightmare.

It was about Lady Gaga, fainting and going to the hospital.

Taylor went in the room Gaga was staying in, and about 15 minutes later, he comes out crying.

Gaga had ...Passed on.

Jake and I sat and cried for the remainder of the nightmare.

But I could've sworn, I saw Radical larry at the corner of my eye, laughing like crazy.

I woke up, sweating.

Even though it was only a nightmare, I felt like I just wanted to kill Radical Larry.

He effected my life, in a bad way.

He put me in a coma, and burnt down the old house I lived at.

I am just hoping he didn't escape...

It was 4:00 am, but no matter how I try, I could not sleep.

-10:00 am--

Gaga walked in my room, I got up, and hugged her once more. I started to cry.

She hugged back.

"What's wrong, Ali?" Gaga asked

"I had a nightmare" I said

"What was it about?" Gaga asked

I told her.

"Don't worry, it's not real" Gaga said

"It felt too real, and I hated it." I said

"I know the pain" Gaga said

"Hey! Are you feeling better?" I asked

"Yeah" Gaga smiled

"Awesome!" I said

Jake woke up, and jumped.

"Lady Gaga?!" He screamed

"Yes?" She asked

"I love lady gaga!" He said

Gaga laughed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I might live here" Gaga said

"Ah!" He said "You live here?" 

"Well, yes" Gaga said

"You're related to me?" He asked

"Well, I am your mother...And Ali's mother...Right?" She asked

"Oh yes!" He said

"Oh, gaga, did you fix Taylor?" I asked

"Well, he's 50% fixed" Gaga laughed

"Okay!" I laughed

"You're not sad anymore! Yay!" gaga said

"Yes!" I said

Adopted for "The Fame" (Lady Gaga) {Book 1}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz