Chapter Thirteen: Changes

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"I kissed Will Solace," Nico told Hazel later that night.

Hazel frowned. "I see. Do you love him? Really, truly, bursting-heart, love him?"

Nico didn't hesitate for a second. "Yes."

Hazel paused, got up, and hugged him. "I'm proud of you, Neeks. That was brave."

Nico was stunned. Hazel wasn't freaked out? She'd always been a bit iffy on the topic of Nico's gayness.

Hazel stepped back and sniffed. "Have a bit of faith in your sister, yeah? You kissed the love of your life; I'm happy for you. I don't care if he's a guy."

Nico smiled that one smile he reserved for when his family was nice. It hardly ever showed. "Thanks, Haz."

She went to the fridge and got out the lemonade. Pouring it into two glasses, she asked, "Who started the kiss? Was it awkward? Should I regret thinking the French were civilized?"

Nico didn't understand the last question, but then it hit him like a brick.

"Hazel!" he admonished, throwing his head back in despair. "It wasn't like that. Yes, it was a bit awkward, but it was two guys kissing in a kitchen with a broken table and food scattered around; it was bound to be. Will started the kiss. It was actually kinda hot."

He explained how Will had grabbed his shirt.

"Cute," Hazel said, passing him a cup of lemonade. "Your eyes go all shiny when you talk about him."

Nico choked on his lemonade.


It had been four months since that first kiss, and Nico and Will kept it on the down-low. They didn't need anyone else prying into it. But people seemed to discover it anyway.

Nico found subtle shifts in his personality. He'd stopped smoking and drinking, and he was swearing less. He considered himself as less of an outcast and more a person with all the friends he needed.

He'd become friends with Lou Ellen Brock, Cecil Markowtiz, the Stolls, and Reyna Arellano. Lou Ellen had caught Nico and Will making out at the New Year's party, and they came clean to her. She showed up at Will's house the next day bearing a badge with the word Solangelo on it. Nico never figured out what it meant.

Aunt Hera never stopped by anymore. Her place taken instead by Seph, Hazel and Nico's dad's new wife. She was a pretty woman who always wore bright colors, and never frowned. Nico liked her.

Yes, Nico's life was looking up.

His phone chimed with a text from Will.

Sunshine <3: Mom's staying @ hospital tnght. Wanna come over?

You: Sure

Nico called out to Seph, who was cooking and watching makeup videos. "Can I spend the night at Will's?"

Another thing Nico liked about his stepmother: she wasn't homophobic. She'd encouraged his relationship with Will.

"Be home by eleven tomorrow and don't forget a coat." She added something under her breath, but Nico didn't hear. He was already out the door.

The chilly February air nipped at Nico's face as he made his way next door. Snow piled up on the doorstep as he rang the bell.

A hand slipped from inside and pulled him in. Will pushed him against the door, closing it firmly, and kissed Nico.

There was no gentleness in this kiss. Nico kissed back, hard.

When Will pulled away, Nico wiped his mouth and flicked on the lights. Will's lips were red from kissing.

Will's eyes danced. "Upstairs?"

"Sounds like a plan."

A snowstorm blew in that night, but they were too busy to care.

Dedicated to Greenninjagal for first vote and horsegirl469 for first comment!

So, what about that ending, huh? ;)

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