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"You're not ready."

Harry snorted, "Like I care."

"You should have just listened to your carri-"

"I do not have to listen to anyone!" Harry bellowed, making the man cower in fear. Harry stormed away, leaving the man who was spluttering out apologies behind him. He didn't bothering to tell anyone where he was going, needing to take a moment to think.

They had been returning to the home fort, when the scouts they had sent ahead to inform the warriors that had stayed behind to defend, returned claiming that they had been over taken. The scouts had been proven correctly. They were still in the middle of coming up with a plan if strategy to attack.

Harry wanted to just attack and let what would happen, happen. Arlo, his second in command, disagreed. Arlo thought they should cause a distraction on the right flank with a fourth of the warriors. The rest of the warriors would come in from the left flank and they would enclose them in. While it made sense, they didn't have enough resources to last that long.

He wandered around for awhile, not really leaving camp, but not really in it. He mulled over what should be done, before returning.

Upon returning to the campsite, Harry realized that whatever they planned on doing, they needed to do it soon. They were running out of time before the enemy discovered their makeshift campsite.

They were out in the open, vulnerable to any attack that might occur upon being discovered. "Arlo!"

"Yes, Harry?"

Harry jerked his head in the direction of his tent, motioning for him to follow. "I've been thinking."

"Oh boy. And you survived?" Arlo smirked.

"Smartass. Shut up and listen." Arlo nodded, "We don't have enough food for the men to last us a week. If we're going to attack we have to do it soon. Tomorrow night preferably. If we go at night, we can use that to our advantage. We can use it as camouflage. If they don't see their attackers, who's to say they aren't attacking themselves? I think we know enough of their fighting strategies to use it against them."

"May I ask what thei-"

"I was getting there. Shut up." Harry growled, making Arlo roll his eyes. "They don't use their heads. They more of the 'Fight now. Think later.' We're the opposite. And that's why we've won the past battles."

Arlo nodded, "So what's the plan?"

Harry grinned before leaning in closer, "Ok, so first we're gonna..."


So recently I've gotten writers block... and that's why this is so short. Because I haven't completely thought out what is going to happen 😋😋 This is probably the shortest chapter I've ever written but Oh well! Still a chapter lol

We've reached 1K!! 😍😍😍 Thank you all!!! I hope to get a regular length chapter out by Wednesday!

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