Harry felt guilty for not telling Scarlett the truth but what choice did he have? He couldn’t tell her. He just met her even though he had fallen fast for the small but fierce brunette with lots of blonde highlights in arms reach of him with her bright green eyes almost matching his own. She wasn’t short nor was she tall, the perfect height with a tiny waist and perfect curves. Harry knew he shouldn’t have fallen so hard for a girl, that’s why he distanced himself from people not wanting to get close because he knew his job would uproot him in any second causing him nothing but pain. He hasn’t seen his mother or sister in two years though they kept in contact, it was dangerous for them and Harry didn’t want them to be in danger. Harry cared deeply already for the small girl lying beside him; little did he know that she had already fallen for his green eyes as well.

“What’s you’re strangest pet you’ve ever owned?” Harry asks me randomly. After we had talked for about an hour we just stopped and stared at each other taking in one another. My eyes flickered across his face taking in his curls that swept perfectly across his forehead, his dark green eyes that almost matched my own, his broad jawline that held a little stubble as he didn’t shave that morning, and his perfect shaped lips that are a rosy color. I always wished my lips held color but they were pale with only a slight tint of pink to them.

“I owned a baby duck when I was 12. It was wandering around my yard with a broken wing so I got it, cleaned him up, and set his wing to grow back.”

“How did you manage to keep a duck?” His smile begins to from across his face.

“It lived in my bathroom tub!” I laugh at the memory.

“How did you shower?” He furrows his eyebrows but keeps his smile sketched on his perfect face.

“I took him out of course!” I laugh. “But as soon as he was better we brought him to a duck pond because we couldn’t keep him.” I state sadly.

“You just keep getting cuter and cuter don’t you?” Harry chuckles at me kissing my nose as he’s pulling away I grab his face bringing his lips to my own. I am starting to get addicted to the way Harry makes me feel. From simply touching me or the way his lips feel against my own but the sparks never cease to reach my toes making them curl.

We pull away sadly because his phone goes off. He groans but answers.

“Hello?” He voice his huskier than before. I giggle playing with his curls as he moves his head to kiss my hand sending me a wink.

His face drops not liking whoever he is talking to. “Right now?” He asks almost desperately green eyes piercing my own. He groans. “Okay, I’ll be there in 5.” He hangs up angrily.

“I have to go.” He mumbles and I nod not questioning him.

“Thanks for bringing the movie.” I smile cupping his cheek in my hand. He leans in kissing me sweetly before getting up. I grab his hand and walk him to the door. I turn to face him once more kissing him passionately. He moans into my mouth. “Scar, you’re making it very hard to leave.”

I giggle at his frustration pulling away. Louis enters the entryway.

“Are you leaving?” He asks Harry. Harry and him share a look which I’m curious about because they just met. I should be glad that they’re getting along but something is off. Harry nods.

“Can I get a lift if you don’t mind?” Louis asks patting Harry on the back. I furrow my eyebrows confused.

“Yeah, mate. C’mon.”

Harry leans down pecking my lips goodbye before walking out the door with Louis by his side talking cheerfully. I turn to El and she shrugs her shoulders having no clue herself or so Scarlett thought.

Little did Scar know that Eleanor her best friend since diapers kept secrets from her. Though they weren’t hers to share Eleanor still felt guilty knowing them and not sharing since they shared everything with each other. Eleanor was happy Scarlett found Harry though she knows things will change shortly, maybe she won’t have to keep the secrets much longer though it may be a danger for Scarlett to know.

The two best friends spent the rest of the day painting their nails and giving each other a makeover before going to the beach working on their summer tan. Not knowing what Harry was up to and not texting Scarlett, she found herself constantly thinking of him and the way his lips feel against her own. She misses Harry but this is only the beginning. 


I changed the girl to Demi Lovato with brown hair and lots of blonde highlights. I just think she fits Scarlett more :) 

Much love xx

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