Chapter 10

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Tony's P.O.V.

I get into my car and put on my seat belt before starting the car. Today was the day, today Mike and I were going to find out if we're soulmates. I sigh nervously and run a hand through my hair before backing out of the parking space. I turn on a Black Veil Brides CD as I drive to the place.

I get there and park near the entrance. I walk up to see Kellin nervously pacing, looking around worriedly. "Hey dude, what's up?" I ask worriedly. "Thank God you're here, Mike is freaking out and won't calm down," Kellin hurriedly explains to me. "Why?" I ask worriedly, following him inside the building. "I'll let him explain," he says as we enter the boys bathroom. Mike was sat against the wall with his knees up to his chest. He was rocking back and forth as he rambled under his breath.

"Mike, c'mon, please," Vic pleads to his younger brother. He looks up as we stop beside him and his eyes showed worry. "What's wrong?" I ask, kneeling down beside Vic. "He's worrying that y'all aren't soulmates and is worried about you leaving him," Vic sighs as he stands up. I nod and move so that I'm directly in front of Mike. "We'll give you guys some privacy," Kellin mutters before dragging Vic out of the bathroom.

"Mike," I say softly, looking into his eyes that are welling with tears. "T-Tony?" he asks. "Yeah," I smile, taking his hands into mine. "Mike, babe, talk to me," I plead. He launches himself into my arms and cries into my neck. "W-what if we're not s-soulmates? I-I d-don't want you to leave!" he cries. "Mikey, who said anything about me leaving?" I ask. He sniffles as he pulls back, looking into my eyes. "Do you mean that?" he asks, hope swimming in his chocolate eyes.

"Of course I do," I nod. He wraps me into a tight hug and I hug him back even tighter. "You promise that you won't leave me?" he asks and I nod. "Yeah, I love you," I reply, the words rolling off of my tongue. I freeze as he looks at me in shock. "Do you, uh, do you mean that?" he asks. "Yes," I say nervously. "I love you too!" he squeals, knocking me over onto my back. I instinctively wrap my arms around him and he peppers my face with kisses. His lips press against mine and I instantly kiss back, our lips move together perfectly.

We pull away before it can get too heated and Mike gets up, pulling me with him. "Ready to go face the council?" I ask and he nods. We link hands before exiting the bathroom to see a worried looking Vic and Kellin. "Mike, you're okay!" Vic exclaims, scooping him into a hug. "Yep. thanks to Tony," Mike blushes. I chuckle lightly and we go up to a lady at the desk. "Names?" she asks us. "Tony Perry and Mike Fuentes," I inform her.

"First room on the right," she points to a hallway and Mike and I nod. "See ya guys later," Kellin smiles as we walk away. We get to the door and knock, waiting for the people to answer. "Come in," a voice booms and we enter to see a few people standing there. They usher us to different ends of the room and have us sit in a chair, facing away from each other.

"Full name," she states. "Ceaser Antonio Perry," I reply. "What do you go by?" the lady asks. "Tony," I inform her. "Describe who you think your soulmate is," she demands. "Well, I think my soulmate is a guy that goes by Mike Fuentes. He has deep chocolate eyes that pull you in and his smile makes my day perfect. Words can't really describe how I feel about him and how my heart beats in my chest whenever he comes into the room and-." "Okay," she cuts me off. She types some stuff into a computer before taking my fingerprint. They gather in the middle and compare some stuff before having us both stand in front of them.

"Tony Perry and Mike Fuentes, you are each other's soulmates," they declare creepily in sync. I smile widely, letting out a breath I did not even know I was holding. I turn to Mike to see him grinning as tears well up in his eyes. "Bye you two," the lady laughs as she shoos us out the door. Mike and I exit and I scoop him into my arms, hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad you're my soulmate," I sniffle. "Me too," he gives a watery laughs. We pull apart and link our hands together before going back into the lobby.

Vic and Kellin jump up from their seats when they see us enter, coming over to us. They start talking at the same time, making it hard to understand them. "Guys," I laugh and they shut up. "We're soulmates!" Mike squeals and they join our smiling club and wrap us in a hug. "How about we go get lunch to celebrate?" Vic asks and we all nod, agreeing with them. "Okay, I'm assuming that you want to ride with Tony?" Vic asks Mike. Mike nods as we exit the building. "Where are we meeting up?" Kellin asks. "Uh, how about the new pizza shop that opened up?" Vic asks and we all agree before going to our vehicles.

We get there and I notice one of the music stores I look over. One guy was outside the store, texting on his phone. "Hey'a boss," the guy grins as we get out of the car. "Hey Jaime, and I told you to call me Tony," I smile. "Yeah. yeah. Who's this?" he asks, nodding to Mike. "My soulmate Mike," I wrap my arm around his waist. "Aww, he's cute," he laughs as Tony blushes.

"Back off Preciado," I warn. "Oh, y'know I have my own soulmate at home," Jaime grins. "True. Text me later Hime," I smile. "Will do. We can talk about our soulmates," he says in a preppy tone, causing us to laugh. "Yeah, yeah," I wave him off as Vic and Kellin pull up. "Break's over. By boss," Jaime winks before going inside the store.

"I didn't know you were manager of that music shop," Mike smiles at me. "Uh, I'm not," I rub the back of my neck. "Then why-." "I'm the CEO of it along with recording studios and other music stores," I inform him. "Babe, that's amazing!" he grins. "Uh, yeah," I blush as Vic and Kellin walk up. "I'm ready to eat, let's go," Kellin demands, walking inside with Vic looking at him.

"Dude, you're so whipped," I tease. "Am not," he denies. I humph and we all go inside to see Kellin standing there with an annoyed look on his face. "About time," he grins, leading us to a table since it said to seat yourselves. Someone drops menus off at our table and hustles away.

~~Time skip to after lunch~~

"Please?" Mike pouts at me. "Mike, we watched the first Harry Potter movie every time you came over this week," I sigh, knowing that those puppy eyes will get me like they always do. "Well, it isn't my fault that you only have one Harry Potter movie!" he exclaims. I give him an unimpressed look and he giggles.

"Please Tony? I'll love you forever," he pecks my lips. "You already do," I smirk. "Says who?" he smirks. "That's it," I growl playfully before chasing him around the apartment. "You'll never catch me alive!" he exclaims. "I will too!" I yell back, chasing him into my room where I capture him. I throw him on the bed and start to tickle him.

He laughs hysterically as my fingers move along his sides. "Do you love me forever?" I ask. "Y-yes. I l-love y-you forever," he gasps in between laughs. I stop and look down at the red faced boy underneath me. "I love you," I tell him earnestly. "I love you too " he breathes. I lean down and kiss him, grinning into the kiss.

I pull away and he pulls me back down, kissing me lightly. I gently kiss back, savor in our kiss. I gently bite his bottom lip and he gasps, parting his lips. I take this chance to slip my tongue into his mouth, loving the way hemp and lightly. He pulls away to catch his breath and looks into my eyes. "So what about that Harry Potter movie?" he grins. "You're a dork," I chuckle before getting up to pull him into the living room to watch the movie.

{There's just a couple chapters left!!! Have an amazingly wonderful day you beautiful things and don't forget to brighten the world with your smile!!!


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