Chapter 2

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Tony's P.O.V.

I groan and roll over, my body bumping into another body. I immediately sit up, looking at the space next to me. The kid from last night was there, sleeping peacefully beside me. I forgot he came to me in the middle of the night because of a night terror. I look at him and study his features. His face was slack with his mouth open a little, soft snores escaping his mouth. His Medusa piercing glinted softly in the morning light. I let out a silent aww and go to get out of bed.

I grab a fresh pair of clothes and a clean towel. I go to the bathroom and do my business before washing my hands and getting in the shower. I quickly wash up and get out, drying off and putting on my clothes. I go into the kitchen and take out stuff to make pancakes. I just start cooking them wgen I hear shuffling behind me. I whip around and see the kid standing there rubbing his eyes.

"Goodmorning, how'd ya sleep?" I smile at him. "Good," he yawns before sitting at the breakfast bar. His sleeve falls down and a few tattoos show. One of them stand out, the one with my name. I quickly turn back to the pancakes in disbelief. There's no way that we're soulmates, it doesn't happen like that. It shouldn't be this easy. His name probably isn't even Mike.

Something inside me twinges with disappointment. I shake it off and continue making pancakes. "Thank you, for last night," his soft voice breaks through. "It's no problem," I smile as I put pancakes on a plate. I split it so there's three pancakes on each tray. "Butter and syrup?" I ask. "Yes please," he nods. I put them on our pancakes and hand him his plate and silverware. I sit next to him and we eat in silence.

We finish and I put our plates in the sink to wash later. We leave after Mike freshens up and go to my car which is a Porsche Panamera Tuning 2012 in black. My parents bought it for me when I was sixteen. We get in and I start driving to Dunkin Donuts, a My Chemical Romance CD playing in the background. We get there and I see someone pacing out front, another guy watching him worriedly. Mike.immediately hurries out and runs to the boy who develops him in a hug.

I get out and walk up to the two, wondering if this was the Vic guy. They pull apart and both turn to me. "Are you Tony?" the shorter on asks. "Yeah," I smile, holding out my hand. He shakes it woth a small smile on his lip. "I'm Vic. Thanks for taking care of my brother, Mike, here," he grins. Mike. His name runs around in my head. "No problem," I chuckle, casually glancing at my arm where his name is. Could he be my soulmate?

"Would you like to get coffee with us?" Vic asks as Mike talks to the other guy there. "Yes please," I smile. "Cool. And thanks again. I was really worried about Mikey over there," he glances at his brother. "It's no problem, really," I infrom him as we walk to the two. "Tony, this is my spulmate Kellin. Kellin, Tony," he introduces me us. We exchange hello's and Mike comes over to my side.

"Thank you for helping me out," he smiles as we walk inside. "It's fine dude," I smile, going up to the counter. Vic and Kellin order first and then we step out to the counter. "What do you want?" I ask Mike. "You don't have to," he shakes his head. "But I want to. Please?" I ask and he sighs but nods his head. "Just a mocha hazlenut," he says. I nod, grinning when I notice we like the same coffee. I order and pay before grabbing the coffees and handing one to Mike. We join his brother and Kellin at a table.

"So Tony, how'd ypu find Mike last night?" Vic asks me. "I was walking through the park near my apartment and saw him. It did take a lot of convincing though," I inform him. He nods and Mike leans against me as we all talk. We get to know each other and end up exchanging numbers, well, not Mike. He didn't have a phone at the moment. "So you two are soulmates?" I ask Vic and Kellin as Mike goes to the bathroom. "Yep," Vic says proudly. They show me the tattoos and I smile at them.

"Do you know your soulmate's name?" Vic asks. "Basically the only thing I know," I chuckle. "Can we see?" he asks and I hesitate before showing them and they gasp. "Do you think Mike could be the one?" Kellin asks. "Possibly. He does have Tony on his wrist too," Vic says. "What?" I ask. "Yeah, he has Tony on his wrist. You guys could be soulmates!" Vic squeals. "Who could be soulmates?" Mike asks as he sits at the table. "Uh, a tree and the table," Vic blurts out as Kellin exclaims, "you and Tony!"

My eyes widen a little as Vic glares at him. "Babe," he snaps. "What, he has a right to know," Kellin complains and Mike stares at me as they argue. "Let's go for a walk," I sigh. He nods and we get up, leaving the couple who was still arguing. We go out and we walk outside, immediatly being hit with the warm air. We walk and stop at a bench, sitting next to each other.

"So, we could be soulmates?" he asks me. "Uh, yeah. Your name is on me," I tell him, showing him the fancy script tattooed on me. "I have it your name in the exact same place," he tells me, showing me his. I smile at him and he smiles back but it turns into a frown and I see the fear spark in his eyes as he looks behind me. "Well if it isn't our favorite punching bag," a guy says as he stops in front of us.

I instantly feel anger course through my body. Mike shrinks into the bench away from the guy. I stand up but the guy heeds no attention to me. "Did you not get enough last night?" the guy asks, cracking his knuckles. I step in between him and Mike in a flash. "You can leave now you piece of shít," I growl. "Move it. I have unfinished business," he brushes me off. "I don't think you understand. You either go away on your own or after I beat you to a pulp," I threaten. He pushes me aside and hits Mike.

I immediately tackle him to the ground and start punching him. "You fücker, what did I say?" I spit at him, giving him another punch in the nose before feeling hands on my shoulders. "Tony, I think he gets it," someone says and I look up to see Vic. I get up to see Mike looking at me, fear flashing his eyes. I look the ground. I just wanted to protect him, not scare him. By now a few people have gathered around and a few had there phones out or helping the guy up.

I look at Mike before looking at Vic and Kellin. They just step away from us and I slowly approach Mike. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want him to hurt you anymore. I didn't mean to make you scared," I apologize. He searches my eyes before steeping forward and wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back tightly before stepping away. A police man approaches us with a serious look on his face. "Sir, I'm gonna need you to come to the station with me," he tells me and I exchange a nervous glance with the guys as he pulls out habd cuffs. "You are under arrest. Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law."

{Hello everybody!!! How are you enjoying this book so far? I hope you like it. Vote and comment if you want. Thabks for reading my story, I love ya guys!!! Anywho, remember to have an amzingly wonderful day and don't forget to brighten the world with your smile!!!}

On My Arm There's a Tattoo of Your NameWhere stories live. Discover now