Chapter 1

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Sky's pov

I watched as a little girl looked at my painting in wonder, her brown eyes glistening in the light.

"Come on dear, time to go." Her father said, coming up from behind her and grabbing her hand.

The girl looked at her father then looked back at my painting. She sighed and started to follow her father back to the entrance. I watched as she disappeared from view, her eyes the last thing I saw from her. I sighed, another day stuck in this prison. Well I can't call this a prison, this is like my new home but I can't leave. I turned away from the gallery and walked down the hallway. My footsteps echoing and disturbing the quiet of the halls. I heard a thump from behind me ,and I saw a headless statue from the other end of the hall. It's blue dress shifted as it started to walk towards me, I didn't move from where I was. I stayed silent as it made its way towards me, the distance between us closing in on every step. It finally stood in front of me, if it had a head it would be staring me down at the moment.

"Yes?" I asked, still unaware of its intentions.

One of its black hands twitched, then it started to do some sign language I think.

'Follow and look' it showed.

"Ummm, ok then. Lead the way." It then turned back around, facing back to where it came from and started to walk away.

I followed behind it, it was leading me somewhere that kind of looked familiar. The black walls of the gallery twisted and turned until I saw it. The statue was leading me to the mural.

"What do you wanna show me here?" I asked, slightly confused.

It turned back around to face me, then in sign language it said 'look'. I nodded and watched out of one of the paintings near the mural. I saw two teens, both about to be my supposed age exploring the gallery. I gulped, they were making their way towards the mural.

"Umm can we stop them?" I asked nervously.

It made an 'X', we couldn't do anything to stop them. I tried to think of a way to evade them but what could I do?

"Is it ok if I ask you and the others a favor?" I asked, it did a thumbs up.

(When ever I see someone do a thumbs up I think of Ross doing it and going "Yea.")

"Umm can you tell the others to not harm these two if they do come through here?" It seemed a little taken aback but it did agree to follow my favor.

"Thank you." I turned away from it as it started to walk away, the two guys were close to the mural.

??? Pov

  This gallery was something, all of the paintings had some weird meanings. Especially the one that had that kid with the yellow rose, it had some weird vibe to it I don't know.

"Hey, look there's a huge mural up ahead. Wanna look at it?" Crainer, my best friend, asked.

"Umm sure buddy." I replied.

He smiled and walked a little faster, me trailing behind him.

"Hey Crainer, hold on." I whined.

"Awww come on Ian, or Ssundee I should say, don't be so lazy." He smiled and winked at me.

I groaned and just followed him until we stood right in front of the mural. It was amazingly big and the painting itself was very confusing. I was able to make out at least a figure in black and grey clothing looking directly at us.

"Hey Crainer, doesn't that figure kinda look like that kid in the other painting?" I asked him.

"Umm yeah, it kinda does." He replied squinting at the painting.

We stood there, examining the painting, trying to figure out at least a small fragment of its meaning. I started to give up and I could tell Crainer was as well.

"Come on Cr-" I stopped mid sentence when the lights started to flicker.

They flicked on and off, causing the room to fall into momentary darkness every now and then. In the flickering light, I saw Crainer scared for his life. His mouth gaped open and his eyes were wide open with fear. I wanted to reach for him and hold his hand, comfort him and tell him it was going to be alright. But even if I tried, I was too scared to even move.

Sky's pov

I watched in helpless fear as I saw the two figures start to appear into the hall. I didn't know what to do, this honestly hasn't happened before in a long time.

"Ummm I, oh god, ummm." I had no idea what to do, so I just did the most logical thing I could do.

I ran to where the hall bent towards the entrance and hid there. I peeked from behind the wall and waited for them to fully appear. Just from watching them fade in and out of this place, I could tell they were terrified. Oh why does this happen to such innocent souls.

Ian's pov

"Cr-Crainer, we're g-going to be f-fine." I cried out, even I could hear the doubt in my voice.

Crainer looked at me with apprehension, his whole frame was shaking. I bet he was met by the same amount of fear with me just trying to keep my composure. I opened my mouth to utter some more words ,but the lights flickered for one last time before staying on. I sighed with relief and started leaning on the wall opposite of the mural. Finally, it's over and I hope that it never happens again.

"O-oh I th-think I'm g-gonna be sick." Crainer is easily scared, poor guy.

I walked over to him and rubbed his back, soothing him. He breathed slowly then started to breath normally breath again.

"Th-thank you." He said, smiling weakly at me.

I smiled back at him and looked around.

"What the-" The hall has totally changed color, it's clean white turned into black with splotches of blood red at random.

"Umm what happened?" Crainer tried not to stutter, he held onto my shoulders to steady himself.

"I-I don't-" I saw a flash of movement down the hall from I guess where we came from.

I shook my head a bit to make sure I wasn't seeing things, this is getting really weird. I looked back there to see something again. Was that...someone else?

"Hello?" I called out, the figure stiffened.

The person then ran, their footsteps leading to the exit. I looked back at Crainer and I could tell he saw the figure too. I looked back and decided to go after the figure.

"Hey!" I yelled after them, Crainer was startled but he ran after me.

I have no idea what is going on, but I guess that figure knows.

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