2. Mira's ship book?

Start from the beginning

Fangirl 3: "But he looks kind of funny? Oh yeah! I read in 'Fairy' that Natsu
Dragneel has motion sickness!"

All three fangirls said "ohh" in unison as they seen the carriage stroll away.

Fangirl 2: "Let's make sure he's okay!"

The fangirls walked up the Natsu with their hands on their hips while swinging their hips like crazy and sticking their bums out.

Apparently this was their way of trying to act the 'Sexy and Cool'

After approaching Natsu, Natsu glanced up even though his vision was blurry and his head was spinning like crazy. He gave his infamous smile that made every girl fall to his knees. As he could tell they were one of his fans.
The fangirls blushed and stepped back a little to prevent him from seeing their flushed faces.

Fangirl 2: "Oh my Mavis! Sir are you alr-"

Before the girl could finish her sentence the door to the Strauus's house burst open.

"Natsu-San! Are you Okay?!" A 13 year old bluenette with the hair that resembles a sapphire came rushing out to Natsu. Although before she could finally reach Natsu, she tripped... over her own foot.

A slight crash and a Yelp could be heard when the girl fell. Happy spread his wings and came flying to the girl. Screaming the name 'Wendy' in the process

Fangirl 2: "Wendy? Who's that?" The fangirl questioned while scrunching up her nose.

"Natsu? Wendy? Are you okay, what's happening?" 2 white haired females walked out the door hearing all the commotion. One of the white hair lady's had her hair that flows down to her waist with a little quiff that sticks up. By the way she looks you could probably guess she was aged between 20-24.

Fangirl 3: "Omg! Mirajane Strauss! In. The. Flesh!"
All three fangirls 'eek' and started, well.. Fangirling.

Natsu glanced up seeing the familiar white hair female. "Ah! Mira!" Come help me up please.." Mira ignored him and came running to Wendy instead.

Natsu sweat dropped, I'll just help myself up then..
Little giggles could be heard as he saw another white haired female who looked quite younger than Mira. Her hair was the same as Mira's except her hair stopped around her shoulder and was much straighter.

The all and famous; Lisanna Strauss.

Lisanna slowly walked over to Natsu, laughing at his face. "You've still not got over the motion sickness?!" She let out a small smirk, "Here I'll help you" Lisanna let out a hand to signal Natsu to take it.

Natsu squinted an eye then moments after, Natsu took the hand gracefully. But then quickly fell back seeing that Lisanna let go of Natsu's hand. He could hear giggles from Mira, Happy, Lisanna, Wendy and most of all..

A loud familiar laughter that came from inside the modern mansion.. Natsu clicked his tongue. "WHAT YOU LAUGHING ABOUT, ICE BOY!" Natsu screamed the words towards the house screaming 'Ice Boy' in an accent.

La Time skip ~ Brought to you by.. Natsu's Six Pack

*Natsu's POV*

"Ah! Natsu! I have something to show you!" The white haired girl known as Mirajane or Mira exclaimed while picking up a photo album in the process.

I made a little hum to let her continue talking. I glanced up, seeing a title of  "MIRA'S SHIP BOOK! DO NOT TOUCH!!" I tilted my head in confusion.

"What do you want me to do with a cook book?.."

I earned a slap at the back of my head from Mira saying "LOOK CLOSER! YOU IDIOT!" while quietly mumbling 'not like I'd show you my cookbook anyway, you'll burn down the whole town..'

I took the ship book and opened it at the first page, just to see a picture of me and some other girl with blonde locks wearing tight skinny jeans and a pastel pink crop top.

I handed back the book and glanced with Mira, with yet another confused look mixed in my face. Mira must have seen the look on my face as she started to explain.

"Isn't she pretty? Shes the daughter of the Heartfilia family; Lucy Heartfilia.
Although there are some scary rumors that her father is harming Lucy. Sad right?" A hint of sadness was hidden in her voice and expression.

"Although.. I THINK SHE MATCHES PERFECTLY WITH YOU! EEK!! " Mira started rolling around the floor screaming something along the lines of 'MY OTP AHHH OMG!NALUUU!!'

Lisanna flinched and widened her eyes a little but in a split second she went back to her normal expression. However a certain salmon haired person seen..


'Plat, Plop'

The rain splattered against the concrete floors of the streets. I used my arms to cover my hair and face. As my hood only covered some parts of my head. It was quite dark in the night so no one could even notice me. This also meant I couldn't see anything or anyone.


I ran into someone? they must be realllllyyyy small..

I tripped and landed right in a puddle, clothes soaked as well as my hair. I looked up, only to see a girl with a cloak that covers her body, attached with a hood that covers her face.

"I-I'M SO SORRY SIR!" The girl bowed her head in respect and lent out a hand to help me up. Gladly I accepted it.

The mysterious women grasped my hand tightly. Letting her black hood fly back a little, showing little blonde locks. I widened my eyes in surprise remembering the photo that Mira showed me.

"Lucy Heartfilia?"



HAHAHAHAHAHAH sorry for not uploading in like.. 3 months... HAHAHA OOPS.


~Yuuki ❤

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