Thus, a good leader truly has nothing, as they must give everything to their subjects. Every breath, every action, and every order they give has to be for their people. Because loyalty, is not given because of a title; it is earned through the proving of oneself.

In simplicity, I don't have what it takes to be an Alpha just yet; I'm still learning."

Those last sentences rang true to my heart. No one said a word in return.


At 7:00pm sharp, Brooke rallied the pack. Enthusiastic murmurs rippled among us.

Boe grabbed my arm and escorted me out. "Here's the rundown. There's a special clearing in the forest where we usually conduct ceremonies like this. Brooke will call upon Lady Luna to bless you and guide your path. Then, she will give you a pack name.

Everyone has one; it's like a nickname given to you by the Alpha. Mine's Sizzlefur; Mike's is Redclaw, and Brooke's was Silverfang before she became Alpha. Once she gives you a pack name, everyone's going to shift. Do not shift until she gives you a signal. The rest, you'll have to find out later," Boe instructed. "Got it?"

"Yes, Gamma!" I teased.

"No, no. It's just Boe to you," he winked at me.


We reached a beautiful clearing in the woods. A huge cliff, with a tumbling waterfall, deposited into a shimmering pool; both remained unfazed by the frigid temperatures. Large trees with spiralling canopies shadowed the edges of the clearing, creating one open hole in the centre. I could make out a precarious pile of boulders in the heart of the clearing.

Three russet coloured stones lay at different levels facing the pack. One was touching the ground; the other was slightly elevated above. And higher than the other two stones, an enormous moonlit rock jutted out.

Brooke ran up to the pile, and vaulted to the highest stone. From there, she gave the impression of a queen as she overlooked her assembled pack. Mike broke off next and sat himself casually on the second-highest stone.

The last rock remained empty. I snuck a glance at Boe; he shook his head at me. Then, he drifted off to join the ranks of the Alpha pack. I stepped into the middle of the clearing; the rock pile cast a silhouette over me.

Brooke brought her attention up. Moments later, a huge ray of moonlight purged the shadows of the clearing. It was beautiful. I could make out the pallid face of Lady Luna as she peeped through the small opening in the trees.

Alpha raised her arms to the moon. "I, Brooke Klazina, Alpha of WSBS' wolf pack, welcome you, Lady Luna, our beloved patron. Tonight, I present to you one new pup. It's been only three days since her arrival; and already, she has proved herself to you and the pack many times over.

Honour her Lady Luna. Give her strength on the battlefield, a love for her pack, and integrity in her services to you." She directed her next words to me. "Mae, do you swear to uphold the laws of this pack, strive to protect your pack mates, and live by Lady Luna's noble example?"

All eyes, my deities' included, were on me. "Alpha, with all my heart, I do."

Smiling, Brooke spoke to the heavens, "Then with great pleasure, I give you your pack name. From this moment on, you will be known as Lightheart. Your intuition and valour have served this pack well and your sound mind in the face of chaos has left many students in this school indebted to you. Kind, passionate, and selfless. Mae, yours is a true heart of gold."

My eyes were shining, "Thank you Alpha."

"Honouring the gift she granted our ancestors, we howl. Lady Luna, hear our call!"

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